Fifty-Six || When?

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Night one of Coachella was a success, for obvious reasons. After the first night of Coachella festivities, Klay, Lauren, Ayesha, Dray, Steph and KD decided to go get dinner before heading back to the hotel. They stopped by a local pizza place, where paparazzi were already waiting outside. They got out of the large escalade as the flashes began to spark. Lauren hid her face in Klay's chest, Klay protecting her from the toxic media.



Everyone just ignored the irrelevant questions from the ignorant photographers.

They got inside, and were seated at a table far away from the windows, preventing the paparazzi to capture anymore pictures.

"I'm so glad this all worked out." Draymond smiled, as they sat down.

"Me too." Klay smiled as he gave Lauren a quick peck on the lips.

"Ugh come on!" Draymond replied, making a disgusted face.

They ordered a round of margaritas and ordered a giant pizza, to take care of their hunger after the festival. They were all joking, talking, and just enjoying their time together before playoffs.

"Alright we should get back to the hotel since we have to be up early tomorrow for the pre-party before the festival." Lauren said, before everyone got up.

They did the usual credit card roulette to decide who would pay, and KD was the lucky winner.

They all gathered into a huge escalade that would take them to their hotels. The girls were staying at a different one than the guys, so they dropped Ayesha and Lauren off first. They both gave their mans goodnight kisses before saying goodbye to their teammates. They got out of the car and made their way towards the hotel lobby.

"What a day." Lauren sighed as they stepped into the elevator.

"Tell me about it. How do you feel?" Ayesha smiled as the doors opened to the top floor.

"I feel, normal again. I feel like everything is just like how it was." Lauren smiled as they walked into their suite.

"And you know what's crazy?" Lauren said as she sat down while Ayesha brewed up some fresh tea.

"What?" Ayesha cocked her head to the side, raising an eyebrow.

"Tomorrow marks exactly one year since the contract began." Lauren said as Ayesha's eyes widened.

"Are you serious?!" She replied, in a surprised tone as Lauren nodded.

"That's great, Lauren! At least you guys can do whatever the heck y'all want to now without your managers telling you what to do!" Ayesha was happy for her friend.

"Oh, I know! I'm just happy. We're at Coachella, with the people we love, life is great." Lauren smiled as Ayesha poured herself and Lauren a mug of tea.

"Alright girlie, we gotta rest up for tomorrow, it's gonna be insane!" Lauren said as she hugged Ayesha before they walked to their rooms in the suite.

Lauren removed her makeup, hopped in a hot shower, and got ready for bed. Lauren had her hair in a loose bun, and wore an oversized t-shirt, with a pair of boy shorts, as she hopped into bed, letting out a sigh of relief as she wrapped herself in the sheets.

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