Twenty || We Were Staying in Paris

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It was four-thirty in the morning when Lauren's alarm clock went off. The week that she had dreamt of since she was thirteen was finally here. From two hour workouts twice a day, insane diets, and long hours of auditioning, Lauren was finally becoming an angel for the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show in Paris. She couldn't get any sleep the night before because of her excitement, but when she finally got some sleep, she was immediately woken up by her alarm clock. She didn't mind, because she was about to hop on a plane to Paris to walk in the most coveted fashion show ever.

She rolled over, turned off her alarm, and noticed that Klay wasn't there next to her. She shrugged it off and decided to go to the kitchen to make herself a quick power smoothie before getting on a thirteen hour flight.

"Good-morning angel." Klay said, with a smile and a power smoothie in his hand.

"You woke up earlier than me." Lauren laughed, as Klay handed her the smoothie.

"Gotta wake up and make breakfast for my angel." Klay smiled, pointing to the smoothie.

"You know me too well, Thompson." Lauren said giving Klay a small peck on the lips.

"Let's go get ready! Paris is waiting for us!" Lauren finished her smoothie and bolted up the staircase of Klay's multi-million dollar mansion.

Luckily, Klay and Lauren's schedules worked out perfectly, that he could be there for the whole trip to Paris. The two got dressed into comfortable sweats and hoodies as they headed out the door, a car service waiting for them outside Klay's gate. Klay punched the code to his gate to lock it before they got into the car. Throughout the drive to the airport, Lauren rested her head on Klay's shoulder, catching up on some sleep. Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the airport. They made their way past security with ease and onto the boarding gates. Since it was an international flight, they had to take a commercial plane. Klay and Lauren got up and made their way to board the plane when first class was called up. Being the first ones on the plane, they were greeted with kind flight attendants who already set up their first class beds for them.

"Good-morning Mr. Thompson and Ms. Hill. We want to make sure that your flight to Paris is as comfortable as it can be!" The flight attendant said.

"Thank you! We're ready to sleep for the whole flight." Lauren said. As they set down their stuff, Klay and Lauren climbed into their individual first class beds.

"Thank goodness for first class flying." Lauren let out a sigh of relief, ready to sleep throughout the flight.

"Angels need to look good and get their sleep." Klay said smiling to Lauren.

The rest of the passengers boarded the plane and they took off to Paris. Half of the flight was spent sleeping while the other half was spent trying out the snapchat filters while the other was sleeping. Thirteen hours went by and Klay and Lauren finally landed in Paris. It was nine o'clock in the morning and Lauren had no time to go back to sleep. It was media day for all of the angels walking in the show.

"Good thing I slept for most of that flight. If not, I would've been so jet lagged by now." Lauren laughed.

They were the first to get off the plane and got out of the airport terminal. They were greeted by paparazzi who swarmed them with flashes and questions. The two made their way quickly into the black SUV car service who will take them to the hotel.

"Paris is so beautiful." Lauren said, leaning her head on Klay's shoulder. As the car ride took place, Klay and Lauren did their own little sightseeing out of the window.

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