Twenty-Nine || Balmain and Basketball

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Klay and Lauren woke up bright and early in the magical, New York City. They decided to order room service for breakfast and enjoy the beautiful view that they have. Lauren walked out onto the balcony overlooking the entire city. Klay took a quick picture of Lauren and posted it on his snapchat story captioning it:

"Beautiful mornings with my gorgeous girl."

He walked out onto the balcony with her, as they waiting for their food to arrive.

"This city is so beautiful." Lauren whispered.

Klay and Lauren examined the people walking in the streets, taxi cabs honking endlessly at each other, and the famous New York hot dog stands along Central Park.

Before they knew it there was a knock on their door as Klay went over to open it.

"Good-morning Mr. Thompson, your food is here." The waiter said as he rolled the table over to the living room of Klay and Lauren's presidential suite. Lauren helped set up as Klay paid for the bill.

"Enjoy your breakfast."

"Thank you sir!" They both said.

Immediately they dug into their food, while the TV played in the background. They were chatting as they were interrupted by yet another segment on an entertainment news show.

"Supermodel, Lauren Hill, was spotted wearing a gigantic ring on her ring finger while out and about with Klay Thompson from the Golden State Warriors in New York City." The reporter announced.

"The two were seen shopping in Soho, visiting Lady Liberty, strolling around Times Square, and grabbing a bite of the famous New York City pizza. As they were headed out of the pizza place, we all noticed a big rock on her finger. But don't worry Golden State fans! Lauren took to Twitter earlier that night and cleared up all the rumors. Looks like Klay Thompson isn't off the market, yet." The segment finished as Lauren turned around and rolled her eyes.

"Why do people honestly care about what we do with our lives, we're normal people too." Lauren sighed.

"Tell me about it. Just because we're out there they think that they know every single detail that's happening in our lives." Klay shook his head.

The two finished their breakfast and got ready for another long day. Klay got dressed in a black t-shirt up with black skinny jeans paired with Gucci sneakers and an Oakland A's hat. Lauren dressed up in a black Balmain dress with gold buttons and paired it with black, knee-high leather boots. Lauren put on natural eyeshadow with a hint of highlight. They headed out the suite and onto the elevator. They walked out of the lobby hand in hand and into another car service.

The car took them to Central Park. Klay and Lauren were dropped off and walked through the park hand in hand. There were a handful of people who noticed them, but they respected the couples' privacy and let them enjoy their time in Central Park. A few minutes later, they stopped by a hot dog stand, ordering a staple of New York City. They walked to a bench and watched people walk as the ate their hot dogs.

"Man I'm gonna have to work out for ten hours when we get back to Oakland." Lauren joked as Klay laughed.

They finished their hot dogs as they made their way back to the car. They were off to shop at Fashion Avenue, another famous shopping street in NYC. Klay treated Lauren like a princess as they shopped. Everything that she touched, Klay would ask the workers to get that same exact piece of clothing in her size and buy it for her. She felt bad so she did the same with Klay. Anything that she thought would suit him, she would buy. They spent a couple more hours shopping and enjoying their last day in New York.

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