Five || Saturday

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Klay woke up today with heavy eyes.

"Today is the day." He thought to himself.

Today is the first day of his twelve month contract with supermodel, Lauren Hill.

Klay let out a big sigh before ripping the covers off of his shirtless body, dragging himself to the bathroom.

"You agreed to this." He looked himself in the mirror.

Klay got into the shower to get ready for the day.

He dug through his massive walk-in closet looking for something presentable to wear.

"Be careful bro, you might like her three months into the contract." Steph's words from the mini golf course kept running through Klay's head. Klay was in-denial, he was NOT going to fall in love, let alone let this girl get to him. He thought of her as a snob and a bitch, and he kept telling himself the same thing, "Don't.Fall.In.Love."

Half an hour later, his manager, Kathy, rang his doorbell. Klay went down the stairs and grabbed his phone from the table.

"Ready to go, Klay?"

"I guess."

They got into the car service and began their drive to downtown San Francisco.

About forty-five minutes later, they arrived to the same building they were at a couple days ago.

"Lauren is already up there, let's hurry up." Klay rolled his eyes, getting out of the car.

They made their way to the floor being greeted with Lauren's publicity team as well as Klay's.

"Good morning Mr. Thompson!"

"Sup." Klay said, making eye contact with Lauren. She was beautiful, but Klay kept telling himself, "Don't fall in love, she's a snob."

"Okay you two, Lauren has a red carpet event in Los Angeles tonight, and Klay, you'll be attending with her."

The 'couple' nodded.

"You guys are going public as of right when you step out of this building."

"You two ready?" Kathy asked.

"Now or never." Lauren replied.

"Okay, now go make some new headlines!" Their teams pushed them out of the office where Klay and Lauren stood not knowing what to do.

"Sooooo...I'm Klay." Klay said, nervously.

"Um yeah I think I knew that already. Just because I have a pretty face doesn't mean I'm a dumbass." Lauren rolled her eyes and walked towards the elevator.

"Damn, this is gonna be a long year." Klay said to himself.

The two stepped in the elevator, being taken into an awkward silence.

As they approached the first floor, Lauren quickly grabbed Klay's hand. Klay was surprised at first but then remembered.

"Quick there's paparazzi, hold my hand." Lauren said.

Right as they held hands, Klay and Lauren were attacked by swarms of paparazzi.





So many questions were being thrown at the two. Little did the media know that this was all for publicity.

Lauren got into the car, followed by Klay. Their driver asked, "So where to?"

The Contract. (Book One) Where stories live. Discover now