Seven || Meet The Team

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Klay and Lauren woke up the next day, getting ready to go back to the bay. Since Lauren has a photoshoot in San Francisco, so Klay decided to take Lauren to their morning shoot-around to meet the team.

Klay made it to the lobby first, sitting down on the couch. Lauren made her way to the lobby shortly after Klay.

"Good morning, Thompson." Lauren greeted.

"Hey, ready to go back to The Bay?" Klay asked.

"Yup, I gotta cleanse today though because I have a shoot this afternoon."

"Oh yeah, who are you shooting for today?" Klay asked as they made their way to the car service. No paparazzi in sight since it was six in the morning.

"Victoria's Secret." Lauren smiled, getting into the car.

"So, I was wondering, if you wanted to come to our morning practice today and meet my teammates?" Klay asked.

"Yeah! That would be fun!" Lauren smiled.

Shortly after, they arrived into the LAX private airport, being met with a private jet.

They made their way into the jet, getting comfortable for the short flight to Oakland.

When they arrived to the Oakland International Airport, paparazzi were already waiting outside the terminal.

Klay and Lauren put on their hoods up and put their sunglasses on, as they held hands in front of the cameras.



The irony.

Klay and Lauren walked towards the car service that will take them to the Warriors practice facility.

Dub Squad👅🤘🏻🔥

Klay: I'm bringing Lauren to today's practice so you guys can meet her, so be on your best behavior


Klay: shut up, I just want you guys to meet her because I think she's super chill

Durantula: guys chill out, he's bringing her to practice to meet me, duh

Ian Clark: no KD, it's for her to meet me

Baby Faced Stephanie: Klay, we know it means more if you're bringing a girl to meet us, we've never met any of your lady friends until today

Klay: I just want you guys to meet her so you know who I'm in a contract for 12 months with

Zaza Pachulia: okay Klay, okay😏

Klay read the text messages as he playfully rolled his eyes. About fifteen minutes later, they arrived at the Warriors practice facility.

"We out here!" Lauren snapchatted a video of them getting out of the car and walking to the entrance.

Klay got out his player ID and scanned it on the front door, unlocking the doors to let them in.

Lauren and Klay walked into the gym, all of the players doing their usual practice routines.

"WHAT'S GOOD SQUAD?" Klay yelled, halting the team from their practice.

"KLAY THE BAE!!!" Draymond said running up to Klay giving him the biggest bear hug. The rest of the team ran up to Klay, giving him a hug.

"Are you gonna introduce us or....?" KD joked, and waving over to Lauren.

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