Twenty-Six || Bet

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Today, Klay has a home game against the Indiana Pacers. He remembered the bet that he made with Lauren, which was if he scored sixty points tonight, she'd let him play one-on-one with her.

"Rise and shine, MVP." Lauren yelled from downstairs as she was making breakfast. She made a nice salad with a power smoothie for her and Klay.

"You look so attractive while cooking." Klay said, wrapping his arms around Lauren's waist from behind.

"Eat up, Thompson, you gotta drop sixty today, remember?" Lauren said, as Klay laughed.

"You excited?" Lauren asked, taking a bite from her salad.

"I'm more excited to play one-on-one with you." Klay said.

"Not unless you score sixty." Lauren raised her eyebrows.

"Watch me." Klay said, winking at her.

After breakfast, Klay put on some athletic clothes, giving Lauren a quick kiss before heading out the door, on his way to practice.

Lauren waited a couple hours until her glam squad came to get her ready for the game.

"Game day!" She captioned as she snapped a pic of her getting ready, posting it on her story. She was wearing a Thompson jersey, denim shorts, and a pair of YSL boots. Her hair was curled to perfection, and her smokey eye makeup tied it all together.

"Have fun girlie!" Joyce said, as Lauren headed out the door, getting into a car service.

The thirty minute drive to Oracle Arena went by quickly as Lauren was dropped off at the VIP seating entrance. Once she stepped out of the car many Warrior fans came running towards her.

"Lauren! Can we get a picture?" A group of young girls with Thompson jerseys came up to her.

"Of course! I love your jerseys by the way!" Lauren winked as she posed for pictures with the girls.

"Thank you so much!" The girls all thanked Lauren.

"No problem girls! Enjoy the game!" Lauren said as she walked to the entrance for the courtside seats. Matt, her security guard escorted her to her seat, center courtside, next to Ayesha.

"Lauren!!!" Ayesha said, standing up and giving Lauren a hug.

"Hey Ayesha! It's been a while!" Lauren said, returning the hug.

"So how've you been?" Lauren asked, as they sat down.

"I've been great! My two little girlies are always keeping be busy!" Ayesha replied.

"Awww! I miss Ryan and Riley!" Lauren said.

"I'll make sure they see you soon!"

"I can even babysit if you want! So you and Steph can have a nice night out." Lauren suggested.

"Oh Lauren, you're too nice!" Ayesha said.

"Don't worry about it, I'd love to!" Lauren replied.

Ayesha and Lauren kept talking until the opening video played on the big screen. The starters were introduced and it was time for tip-off.

"What's this bet Steph was telling me about?" Ayesha asked, as the players got onto the court, ready for the jump-ball.

"Oh! Klay and I made a bet that if he scores sixty tonight, I have to play one-on-one with him, but if he doesn't drop sixty, he has to take me on a shopping spree." Lauren laughed.

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