Eighty-Seven || Day At Sea

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Lauren woke up the next day to her husband. She tried to get up to make herself some coffee, but she felt her muscles tighten around her legs. She felt soreness around her thighs and immediately fell back down.

"Ugh, last night was rough." She whispered to herself. She felt Klay shift and flutter his eyes open. Lauren sat up and slapped him across the chest.

"Good morning to you too." Klay chuckled, surprised at the action Lauren just did.

"You bitch, I'm sore." Lauren said, rubbing her temple.

"That means I did a good job last night." Klay winked.

"Shut up." Lauren couldn't help but laugh and her husband's cheekiness.

"I'll run you a nice warm bath." Klay smiled, kissing Lauren on the forehead before he threw a robe on and started running warm water into the bathtub.

Klay threw it some bubble bath soap and walked into the room, where his wife was in bed, looking through her Instagram feed.

"Let's go babe." Klay said as he carried Lauren bridal style, making his way over to the bathtub.

"You didn't have to." Lauren buried her head into Klay's neck.

"But I want to! It's not my fault that I felt too good last night." Klay winked as Lauren slapped him across the chest once again.

"You're so cocky." Lauren playfully shook her head. Klay had Lauren lay on one side of the bathtub, as he sat across from her.

"This helps my legs feel better." Lauren said, letting out a sigh of relaxation.

"Glad I can help you feel better babe." Klay said, leaning over to kiss his wife.

After a couple of minutes in the bath, Lauren and Klay sipped on some fine champagne, and talked about their plans for the day.

"I can't wait to go yachting." Lauren smiled as she tied her hair up in a bun.

"Me too, and I'm happy we can spend it together." Klay replied.

"I wonder how Addy is doing." Lauren said as she laid her head down on the side of the tub.

"Let's call Steph." Klay said as he reached over for his phone, tapping on Steph's contact and calling him.

"Hello?" Steph answered.

"Yo what's up my man?" Klay said, putting the call on speaker.

"Nothin much, Eesh and I went out last night and left Dray to take care of the girls." Steph said as Klay widened his eyes.

"Please tell me Addy still has all her limbs." Klay joked.

"Don't worry, they had fun with uncle Day Day." Steph laughed on the other line.

"I'm glad." Klay said.

"How's Turks and Caicos?" Steph asked his teammate.

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