Forty || Who?

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Lauren woke up with a pounding headache. She was definitely hungover. She rubbed her eyes and rolled over. She was taken aback when she saw a tall, male figure in the bed next to her. She couldn't remember anything from last night. The only thing that came back to her mind was arriving at the club. Other than that, last night was a blur. She tried to depict and see who was next to her, but the sun rays coming through the window were too bright for her liking. She felt him shift around and didn't want him to see that she was awake, so she quickly turned over to the other side of the bed, pretending to sleep. She shut her eyes tight, to make sure that he didn't know that she was awake. She wanted to know who she slept with last night, but she didn't want to face him just yet. She felt him get up from bed, and wrapping his arms around her.

"I promise you that I can treat you better than him." He said in his groggy morning voice. Lauren couldn't really tell who he was from his voice, because it could literally be anyone. She continued to fake sleep until she heard Draymond yell from across the suite.

"ANYONE GOT ANY ADVIL, YOUR BOY'S HEAD FEELS LIKE A TRUCK RAN OVER IT!" Lauren just laughed and sighed. She was about to get up from the bed, immediately noticing that she was wearing nothing. She ripped the sheets quickly from her bare skin and walked to the bathroom. She put on a pair of underwear, sweatpants and a sports bra, and tied her hair in a messy bun. As she was brushing her teeth, she saw that she had a bunch of hickeys on her neck.

"Holy shit." She whispered to herself as she ran her fingers along her neck and her upper chest area. She winced at the pain.

She immediately went to Joyce's makeup bag, that she left in the bathroom. She grabbed foundation, concealer, and a makeup brush. She tried her best to cover up the hickeys made from the mystery man last night.

After she covered them up, she headed out the door of her room, walking out onto the main living room in the suite. She noticed a couple guys playing basketball, and Hailey was cooking breakfast along with Jordan Clarkson.

"Goodmorning!" Lauren sang as she sat on one of the bar stools.

"Morning! How's your headache?" Hailey greeted.

"Terrible, I feel like I got run over by a tequila truck." Lauren joked.

"I feel you." Jordan replied.

All of the other boys came out from the basketball court, ready for breakfast.

"L-DAWG!" Draymond yelled.

"DAY DAY!" Lauren yelled back.

All the guys laughed as everyone sat down at the big dining table, ready to eat.

Everyone was in their own conversation, talking about their own things.

"Did you sleep with someone last night?" Draymond whispered to Lauren as she slowly nodded.

"Who?" Draymond said, his eyes widening in shock.

"I wish I knew, he got up before I could even tell who it was." Lauren shrugged.

Draymond tried to examine everyone at the table. He noticed that one person was missing.

"Ayy yo where's OBJ?" Draymond asked the group as everyone just looked at each other and shrugged.

"I don't know man I saw him this morning." Paul George replied.

Everyone continued talking in their own conversations as Draymond turned to Lauren.

"Was it him?" Draymond asked with his eyebrows raised.

"I wish I knew Dray, but I don't remember a single thing from last night." Lauren sighed.

"I'm sure he'll fess up soon, whoever it is. But damn! You definitely forgot about Klay." Draymond chuckled.

"I think a little too much." Lauren laughed.

Everyone finished up their breakfast as they all went back to their separate rooms in the same suite, and started to pack to their bags. Their night in Vegas was short lived, but this definitely won't be the last wild night. Everyone got their luggage and said their goodbyes to each other. Lauren, KD, and Dray headed out first as they made their way from the suite, to the lobby, and into the car service.

"Did you find out who?" Draymond whispered to Lauren as she shook her head.

"No, it's frustrating me." Lauren sunk into her seat as she sighed.

"I don't even remember anything. I just remember waking up this morning and he wrapped his arms around me before he got up and said something about how he can treat me better than Klay or something." Lauren said, listing the only thing that she could recall.

KD was too busy making beats on his laptop to hear the conversation.

"Are you gonna tell Klay?" Draymond asked.

"Ugh I don't know, to be honest with you." Lauren whined as she put her face in her hands.

"It was a good idea while I was wasted, now I regret getting in bed with whoever." Lauren rolled her eyes.

The rest of the car ride to the airport was silent, music slowly playing in the car. The three were dropped off at the Las Vegas executive airport, a private jet waiting on the tarmac for them. There were heaps of paparazzi, but they quickly got into the jet, away from the crowd.

"Hey Lauren?" KD said.

"What's up?" Lauren looked towards KD.

Lauren's stomach dropped as her heart began pounding when she heard the words that came out of KD's mouth.

"Why did you sleep with Kyrie last night?"

Author's Note: another cliffhanger sort of???? Omg y'all the drama is just starting please don't hate me I swear you'll love me soon though!! We gotta have some drama in order to tie everything together! I hope y'all are paying attention to everything that's happening bc literally the smallest details can be the most important!! Remember Kelsey? Remember Hannah? Omg there's a big storm coming and I know I already said this but please don't hate me! Trust me on this! You'll end up loving me when y'all find out the REAL purpose behind the action's in this book...or will you?😏 anywayyyy thank you again for your constant support! Please don't forget to comment and vote! Love you all!❤️xoxoxoxoxo

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