Sixty-Seven || Playoffs: Game 1 Round 1

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Today was game one of the playoffs. The Golden State Warriors were playing at Oracle Arena against the Portland Trailblazers. Klay got up early, doing a light morning workout as Lauren got his pre-game smoothie ready for him.

"Got your regular pre-game smoothie ready for ya babe." Lauren smiled as she handed it to Klay, who was coming from the backyard, finished up with his workout.

"Thanks baby, you're the best." Klay said as he pecked a quick kiss on Lauren's lips. It's been about a month since Lauren's pregnancy, and things couldn't be better. She was eating whatever she wanted, and she had an excuse for her mood swings. Klay got ready to arrive to the arena, as Lauren got ready as well. Klay left early, getting into his Maybach, and driving to the arena. Lauren stayed back, finishing up her hair and makeup.

"Can you believe that you're gonna be a mommy?" Lauren's makeup artist, Joyce, said as she put on eyeshadow on Lauren's eyelids.

"It's so crazy to me still. It's great because I get to eat whatever the hell I want without being judged." Lauren laughed.

"And your ring is so beautiful, oh my!" Joyce said, as she admired Lauren's engagement ring.

Half an hour later, Lauren was ready to head to the arena. She was wearing a black, velvet YSL body suit with black Steve Madden boots, topped with a camouflage coat. She got into a car service that would take her to Oracle. When she arrived, she was dropped off at the main entrance, where the fans began calling out her name.

"OH MY GOSH LAUREN! LAUREN! CAN I HAVE A PICTURE WITH YOU?" Lauren heard a fan ask as she went up to them.

"What's up guys?! Are you excited for the game?" Lauren said as she walked over to the fans that were in line, her bodyguards following closely behind.

"We are so stoked! We're even more excited that you're actually talking to us!" The fan said, as Lauren smiled.

"You guys are so sweet! Do y'all want a picture?" Lauren said as she grabbed one of their phones, turning on the front camera and she snapped a bunch of photos of her and the fans.

"Thank you so much, Lauren! Congrats on the pregnancy and the engagement!" The fans said as Lauren embraced them all for a hug.

"Enjoy the game guys! It was so nice meeting all of you!" Lauren waved goodbye as she made her way towards the entrance. Her bodyguards led her to her usual courtside seat where Ayesha and Steph's sister, Sydel, were sitting.

"Laur!" Ayesha exclaimed as she stood up and gave Lauren a hug.

"This is Steph's little sister, Sydel. Sydel, this is Klay's fiancé, Lauren." Ayesha said as she introduced the two.

"Hi Lauren! Ahh I'm such a big fan! So nice to meet you!" Sydel greeted as she gave Lauren a hug.

"So lovely to meet you too!" Lauren replied.

"How far along are you?" Sydel asked Lauren.

"I'm about a month into my pregnancy." Lauren smiled.

"That's exciting! Is Klay excited?"

"I feel like Klay is more excited than I am, to be honest. I just caught him shopping for baby stuff this morning." Lauren laughed.

"That's so cute! See, I told you he would be stoked!" Ayesha said.

The playoffs began as player introductions were being announced. The whole crowd was loud and energetic, as were the players. The game was kind of up and down, the Blazers keeping up with the Warriors. It wasn't until the third quarter where the Dubs' defense got intense, along with their offense. Draymond had monstrous blocks, and outstanding defensive stops. The Splash Family consisting of Klay, Steph, and KD, were firing shots from beyond the arc, sinking in a storm of threes. The Warriors came out with a win in their first post-season game, leading the series 1-0.

Ayesha, Lauren, and Sydel all made their way to the player tunnel, waiting for the players to make their way to the lockeroom.

Klay came up to Lauren, as he quickly kissed her, before walking to the room.

"Congrats Lauren!" She heard the players say as they walked by.

The three girls stayed in the tunnel, and waited for the players to finish their press conferences on the podium.

"Ayyyy L-sizzle!" Lauren turned around and saw Damian Lillard make his way towards her.

"Dame Dolla! What's up brodie?" Lauren said as she hugged Damian.

"Nothing much, tough loss, but congrats to you and Klay!" Dame said as he let out a smile.

"Thanks dude! It was nice seeing you!" Lauren said as she hugged Damian before he made his way to the podium for media questions.

Klay was finally done with interviews as Lauren said goodbye to Ayesha and Sydel, before heading out.

"You played great today babe." Lauren said, kissing Klay's cheek.

"Thanks, what a way to win." Klay said, proud of his teammates.

They got into Klay's car and made their way back to their shared home.

The engaged couple got ready for bed as they decided to watch TV before falling asleep. They flipped through channels, until they came across E! News once again.

"Lauren Hill was there at Oracle Arena supporting her man Klay Thompson and the Golden State Warriors during the first game of the 2017 NBA playoffs. She was spotted chatting it up with fans outside the arena, and sitting courtside with Stephen Curry's wife, Ayesha, and his younger sister, Sydel."


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The reporter said as the pictures of Lauren at Oracle were showed on the screen

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The reporter said as the pictures of Lauren at Oracle were showed on the screen.

"We can't wait to watch the rest of the playoffs, and see Lauren's tummy grow as she makes her way through her pregnancy." The reporter concluded, as the segment ended.

"I told you. See you're still in headlines." Klay said, remembering what Lauren's manager said to her yesterday.

"Oh Kimberly, she's gonna get fired soon, if she keeps bothering me about this whole pregnancy thing." Lauren sighed.

Author's Note: whoop whoop update! I have so many more ideas for this book and I know you guys will get so many more feels omggggg but don't worry, there's still more drama on the way😏please don't forget to show your support by commenting and voting! Hope you guys had a great weekend! Thank you for your support! All love!😘xoxoxoxoxo

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