Forty-One || It Wasn't Me

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Lauren, Draymond, and Kevin arrived back in Oakland at around one in the afternoon. Lauren decided that she would take a break from The Bay and head back home to LA. She hugged Dray and KD goodbye and thanked them for allowing her to come along the Vegas trip with them. She was left on the jet, waiting to take off back to Southern California. She flight was only forty-five minutes so it went by pretty quickly. She peeked out the window that overlooked the busy and clogged up city of Los Angeles. She was home, and she was definitely going to miss calling Oakland her second home. She pushed the thought of Kyrie away from her head, not wanting to deal with any of it just yet. The jet landed smoothly as Lauren grabbed her bags and walked off onto the tarmac. A car service was awaiting her, which will take her back to her home in Calabasas. The drive was about half an hour long. She arrived to her gated, million dollar mansion and opened the doors to her home. She sighed as she dragged her feet up the steps and into her bedroom. She set her bags down and quickly got into a hot shower to relax her tense muscles.

Meanwhile, back in Oakland, Draymond and Kevin decided to visit Klay to see what he was up to. KD drove his newly bought Tesla as Draymond sat in the passenger seat. They arrived to Klay's mansion and rang the doorbell.

"What are you guys doing here?" Klay said in an annoyed tone.

"Hello to you too, Klayboy playboy." Draymond gave Klay a raised eyebrow look.

"Ugh sorry, it's been a rough few days, come in." Klay said stepping away from the entrance, letting his teammates come into his house.

"How was Vegas?" Klay said as they sat down in the backyard lounge chairs.

"Dude it was so fun!" KD responded.

"Bro we gotta get answers first. We're friends with Lauren too." Draymond said, immediately dropping the question.

"She didn't give me time to explain." Klay said in defense.

"She said you stayed silent though." KD replied.

"I was in shock, but if she let me calm down and allow herself to calm down too, her and I wouldn't be in this situation right now." Klay said and Dray and KD looked at each other in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Draymond asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Kelsey is my brother's fiancé. I flew her out here from Florida to help me go ring shopping." Klay explained. KD and Draymond's jaws dropped.

"WHAT?!" They both said in unison.

"Yeah, I asked Kelsey to come help me ring shop so I can find the perfect ring to propose to Lauren in. I know we've only been dating for under a year, but she was special. I was scared to lose that, and now I feel completely stupid for not explaining to her while she was still here in Oakland." Klay said almost in tears.

"She wouldn't let me explain, she yelled at me, which made it even harder for me to tell my side of things. Before I knew it she was out the door." Klay said, as Draymond and KD hung their heads down. They both shook their heads in disbelief.

"I can't believe we didn't ask you about this first. We literally took her to Vegas with us to get her mind off of this." Draymond said, mentally scolding himself.

"Damn I'm sorry Klay, blame us for this, not you." KD said.

Draymond hung his head down in complete disappointment.

"We should've talked to you before Vegas bro..." Draymond said, not making eye contact with Klay.

"What are you talking about?" Klay asked in confusion. He was looking for answers from both Kevin and Dray, but they both avoided eye contact with him.

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