Seventeen || Damage Control

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Lauren had Victoria's Secret promo all day today, so she woke up bright and early to get ready. As she was getting her hair and makeup done by her stylists, she got a phone call from Bella Hadid.

"Hey Bells!" Lauren greeted her friend.

"Laur...have you been on Twitter yet?" Bella said in a worried tone.

"Um no? Why?" Lauren sat up in her chair.

"Just go on Twitter and go to your mentions. I'll call you later, love you." Bella said really fast before she hung up.

"What is she talking about?" Lauren said to herself as she opened the Twitter app.

Lauren went to her mentions and clicked on the first video she saw. Her eyes widened as she saw Klay from last night's game getting into a scuffle with Andre Roberson from OKC.

"Holy shit he got ejected." Lauren turned the phone around to show her makeup artist, Joyce.

"What caused him to react that way?" Joyce asked, taken aback to how Klay reacted.

"I don't know, I'll keep scrolling." Lauren said, looking through Twitter.

"Klay Thompson Gets Ejected From Game Against OKC." Lauren read the title from the article.

"Golden State Warriors forward, Klay Thompson, was ejected from last night's game against the Oklahoma City Thunder. Sources say that Andre Roberson (of OKC) was heard trash talking to Thompson about his now ex-girlfriend and supermodel, Lauren Hill. The trash talking began while Roberson was guarding Thompson. Roberson was then called for a foul against Thompson, who did not appreciate the way he was roughly fouled. Roberson made comments, degrading Lauren, which made Thompson angry. Thompson then began to verbally and almost physically harass Roberson, causing him to get two technical fouls, enough to automatically get him ejected from the game. Although Thompson was ejected, the Golden State Warriors still came out with the blowout win, against Oklahoma City." Lauren read from the article. She paused after reading, looking at Joyce.

"He really likes you." Joyce said in a soft tone as she continued to curl Lauren's hair.

"I miss him Joyce.." Lauren sighed.

"Looks like he's doing something about this situation. He got himself ejected because of some stupid words that were said about you. If you really miss him, fight for it." Joyce said, as Lauren remembered Ayesha's similar words.

"Ugh I know...I'm just scared." Lauren confessed.

"Of what? Retaliation? Honey, that's the last thing you should be worried about." Joyce said.

"If you really miss him, fight for it."

Lauren remembered those words throughout the day.

"Okay honey, you're ready for promo day." Joyce smiled as she did finishing touches on Lauren's makeup.

"Thanks J, you always make me look bomb." Lauren smiled, getting out of the makeup chair.

"Good luck with interviews! Answer well!"

Lauren made her way towards the media where she would soon be talking about her career, and doing promo for the Victoria's Secret fashion show.

"Lauren! Over here!" Said Guilianna Rancic, from E! news.

"Hey Gi! How are you?" Lauren smiled, giving Gulianna a hug.

"I'm doing well, thank you! So how are you feeling about all this media you have to do for Victoria's Secret?" Gulianna asked.

"I'm honestly so excited! This is my second show with VS and I can't wait to be with my fellow angels and walking down that runway." Lauren smiled.

"And you and your best friend, Bella Hadid, are going to be walking in the same show, how exciting is that?!" Gulianna asked.

"It's honestly a dream come true for both of us, so Instagram will definitely be filled with pictures that day." Lauren laughed.

"So we're going to address the elephant in the room, what is going on with you and Klay Thompson?" Gulianna just laid the question on Lauren, giving her no warning.

"Um well, obviously things didn't work out that smoothly between us, and I still deeply care so much about him and wish him the best in what he does. I will always have feelings for him, and I hope that we will find our way back to each other again." Lauren answered honestly.

"What was this contract that Draymond Green was talking about?"

"Well, Klay and I's relationship started off because of a contract for publicity, but over time, we developed really strong feelings for each other, and after that incident, we were forced to part ways, and depart from one another. At first it meant nothing to us, but as we spent more time with each other, real feelings started to take into our relationship, and it's all history from there."

"Well, there you have it world, you heard it here first. Supermodel, Lauren Hill, sets the rumors straight right here on E! news." Gulianna said.

"That's right! So stop twisting mine and Klay's words! Don't believe everything you read on the internet!" Lauren said to the camera.

"Well thank you for being in an interview for us! Best of luck with your career and see you in Paris for the VS Fashion Show!" Gulianna concluded the interview with Lauren.

"Thank you Gi! See you soon!" Lauren gave Gulianna a hug.

"Onto the next one." Lauren whispered to herself as she did interview after interview.

The whole day Lauren did interviews, talking about her modeling career, promoting Victoria's Secret, and addressing all rumors. Damage control needed to be done to silence the media, so that's what Lauren did. Klay broke his silence on the court, now it's time to Lauren to fight for them. Will the two ever be together again? Is their fight strong enough to bring their love back? But what happens if the contract isn't over quite just yet?

Author's Note: hey guys! Sorry for the late update! And I'm also so sorry that this chapter was kinda short! I was in a rush today and wanted to give you guys a chapter this week so here it is! Sorry if it was boring/too short I promise the next one will be more exciting and longer! Also, 1K reads?! Holy shit thank you guys so so so much!!! I owe it all to my fantabulous readers!! Hope you all are having a great week! Please continue to vote and comment! Happy reading! Much loveee❤️xoxoxoxo

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