Forty-Nine || He Knew All Along

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"I don't feel guilty."

Those words made KD's stomach drop.

"Lauren don't say that." He shook his head.

"Is it bad that I don't?" She asked, raising her voice.

"You're only saying that out of anger and hurt. What Klay did was the complete opposite of what you thought." KD said, saying too much information.

"I don't believe you." Lauren said, bluntly.

"You don't have to, but you have to talk to Klay." KD said, and with that, their lunch was cut off short.

"Hey, yeah can I have a mimosa please?" Lauren asked the waiter.

Five mimosas in, Lauren was drinking her feelings away.

"You're not driving home, I am." KD said before getting up and helping Lauren walk on her feet.

"K! I'm gonna fall!" Lauren said loudly, obviously drunk.

"Why did you drink that much, it's not even four o'clock yet." KD shook his head.

He held her by the waist, which was the only way that he could help her up. KD didn't care about the paparazzi, but he knew that with the way he was holding her, people would automatically assume false things. Kevin got into the drivers seat and drove off. He remembered where her house was, since it wasn't that short of a drive. They got to Lauren's mansion, and as soon as they got inside, she ran to the kitchen, taking out a bottle of vodka, taking shot after shot.

"Lauren, what the hell are you doing?" KD said, feeling like he was more babysitting her than actually hanging out with her.

"Shhhh." Lauren said, walking up the stairs. KD followed her, not wanting her to accidentally trip.

She got into her room as she closed he door behind them. At this point, she didn't know what she was doing because the alcohol was taking over her.

"Remember how I said I wasn't guilty?" She whispered, as she pushed KD on her bed.

"Lauren...." KD warned her.

"I sure as hell am still not guilty." She said, as she straddled his waist, crashing her lips onto hers.

"Lauren, stop. You don't know what you're doing." KD said abruptly, pushing her back.

"Of course I am. I just can't help it. Watching you work out, shirtless, that was pretty hot." Lauren slurred.

"Stop, you're not sober, snap out of it!" KD kept on pushing her away.

"Oh cmon, Kevin, live a little. No one has to know." Lauren slurred once again. With that, she smashed her lips onto his, and Kevin did the opposite of what he was supposed to do, he kissed her back, and the rest happened like a blur.

In Oakland, Draymond drove to Klay's house, where he was going to ask him if he wanted to go grab dinner with him.

"Klay Thompson!" Draymond sang as he entered Klay's house.

"Dray, look at this." Klay walked down the stairs, showing Draymond his phone screen.

"What is going on?" Draymond furrowed his eyebrows, and pictures of Kevin and Lauren were surfacing he Internet.

"Woah." Draymond whispered, not knowing what to say.

"I made one stupid mistake and didn't tell her that Kelsey was just helping me find a ring to propose." Klay said, his voice cracking.

"Bro I think you should know something." Draymond sighed.

"What?" Klay asked, confused.

"Kyrie didn't sleep with Lauren in Vegas." Draymond said quietly.

"Well I know that already!" Klay grew angry.

"KD slept with her." Draymond whispered as Klay felt his heart sink.

"He...w-what?" Was all Klay could let out.

"I'm sorry bro."

Draymond knew that it was KD who slept with Lauren all along. He saw the two walk into the room in Vegas with his own two eyes. He thought about stopping them, but he knew the situation that happened with Klay and Kelsey, that he knew Lauren was doing it out of hurt. Dray knew that KD just used Kyrie as a cover up. Draymond tried to confront KD before things got out of hand, but KD was like a closed book. Draymond didn't wanna say anything because he wanted to protect KD for Klay's sake, but today, Draymond was going to do whatever he can to get things back to where they used to be.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Klay said, his eyes getting red.

"I knew KD didn't wanna hurt you, and KD still doesn't know that I know." Draymond sighed.

"It's complicated."

"If only I told her I was gonna propose in the first place." Klay rubbed his eyes.

"Hey, I know things are rough now, but I promise they'll get better." Draymond comforted his teammate.

Draymond was going to help Klay. He didn't know when, or how, but he was determined to help get Klay and Lauren back together. But what he didn't know was that, Lauren may have just moved on. Or is she just telling herself that to run away from the situation? Oh, and remember that contract? Someone new has been added to the dreaded pile of papers that started all of this, known as, The Contract.

Author's Note: YIKES CAN LAUREN STOP AND CAN KD HOLD HIS GROUND? Y'all this is becoming a mess😫and it's about to become an even bigger mess once the tea is spilled😶what are your thoughts/ideas on what might happen next? Sorry that this chapter was kinda short, I wrote it so it would lead up to many questions being answered in the next few chapters! Hope y'all are having a great Saturday! Thank you so much for getting this book to 21k reads! You guys are amazing! Please don't forget to comment and vote! Much love ❤️ xoxoxoxoxo

Author's Note: YIKES CAN LAUREN STOP AND CAN KD HOLD HIS GROUND? Y'all this is becoming a mess😫and it's about to become an even bigger mess once the tea is spilled😶what are your thoughts/ideas on what might happen next? Sorry that this chapter w...

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