Sixty-Six || Congratulations But What Were You Thinking?

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Social media instantly blew up after Klay's Instagram post. Even some players around the league, along with his teammates and Ayesha took to Twitter to congratulate the Golden State Warriors sharp shooter.

We have a youngin on the way! Congrats to the homies @.laurenhill and @.klaythompson

Welcome to the daddies club, my man @.klaythompson

Biggest congrats to my girl and her fiancé for their pregnancy! Riley and Ryan are gonna have playmates now!

Yessir! He's a dad now! #DaddyKlay

#DaddyKlay probably doesn't even know how to change a diaper yet! Congrats my man @.klaythompson! And to @.laurenhill !

Bruhhhhhh #DaddyKlay ???? Congrats dude!!

Lauren and Klay tweeted out their thank you's as they retweeted the kind tweets that they were receiving. While they were doing that, Klay and Lauren decided to call their parents to inform them about the news.

"That is so wonderful Lauren! Congratulations baby!" Lauren's mom said.

"Aww our little Klay is gonna be a father!" Klay's dad said as well.

They said their goodbyes to their families as they lay down there in bed.

"There's actually a baby in there." Klay said, as he poked Lauren's stomach gently.

"You're gonna be a basketball player like your daddy." Lauren whispered as Klay smiled.

"But hopefully you don't win more championships than me so I have something to brag about." Klay joked as Lauren playfully slapped his arm.

"I can't wait to meet you mini." Klay smiled.

Their moment was interrupted with Lauren's phone ringing. She read the caller ID and saw that it was her manager, Kimberly.

"Hello?" Lauren answered and was immediately taken aback by Kimberly yelling from the other line.


"Yo, Kim, what the hell? What are you talking about?" Lauren said, sitting up.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT! YOU KNOW!" Kimberly continued to yell.

"Maybe if you would explain more I would understand what the hell you're trying to get across." Lauren said, in an annoyed tone.

"" Kim said, trying to contain herself.

"What?" Lauren said, feeling offended. She put the call on speaker so Klay could hear too.

"Did you not think about your career before letting that basketball player knock you up?" Kim said, Klay's eyes going wide.

"Um excuse me?" Lauren said, starting to yell, but Klay rubbed her arm, giving her a sign to calm down.

"You are so selfish Lauren. Your modeling career is OVER! You can't model while you're pregnant!" Kim said.

"How am I selfish? We didn't plan this Kim." Lauren said, trying to hold back tears.

"Did you at least think about protection?"

"We were at Coachella! And we were drunk!" Lauren explained.

"And plus, after I give birth, I can always go back to working out and staying in shape." Lauren defended her situation.

"Are you for real right now? Seriously, are you kidding me?" Kim said, already angrier than she was earlier.

"It won't be that bad, Kim, chill out." Lauren said.


"Kim, I cannot believe you." Lauren said, shaking her head, letting the tears fall down her face.

"All you care about is money and publicity. Ever care about how I feel? And how my life is?" Lauren said, wiping her tears as she rested her head on Klay's shoulder.

"That's my job isn't it? To get you media attention?" Kim spat back.

"But shouldn't you put my feelings first? I'm not a robot, Kim!" Lauren cried out.

"That's how the business works, Lauren. Come on, it's not like your relationship with Klay started out like a real relationship. You signed a contract remember?" Kim said, crossing the line.

"A contract that meant nothing to us. All of that bullshit is done, this is real, Kim, and I can't believe you're more worried about my career more than I am. I'm happy with where I am right now, why don't you understand that." Lauren sobbed.

"Because without media attention, I don't get money. So you better think about this." Kimberly said, before hanging up. Lauren threw her phone across the bed and began to bawl into Klay's chest.

"She only cares about the money. I can't believe it, and she's the one calling me selfish?" Lauren cried, as she looked at Klay.

"Babe, you're not selfish. All she cares about is money, not you. Don't even waste your time trying to get on her good side. She just showed you that she cares about money. Look at me." Klay said as he lifted Lauren's chin up.

"This is not your fault. None of it is. Look at it this way, we're both engaged, about to have our first child together, and well I mean, look at us." Klay said.

"There is more to life than modeling and money. I'm very sure that no one will forget who Lauren Hill is. It's impossible. You haven't even had a photoshoot in months, yet you're still in the headlines. You won't fade away from the spotlight, you're constantly in it whether you like it or not. We're in this together, and I am here right by your side. We can get through this, and I know you'll be the hottest mom in the world." Klay said, as he kissed Lauren.

"Thanks, Thompson. You know how to make me feel better." Lauren smiled.

"Anytime, now don't stress too much, its bad for Mini." Klay laughed as Lauren smiled.

"How did I get so lucky?" Lauren whispered as they spent the rest of the night cuddling in bed.

Author's Note: AAANNDDDD QUEUE THE KLAUREN FEELS! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please continue to show your support for this book by commenting and voting! Also, if you love KD as much as I do, check out my bestie's new book called "Blessings" by NBAslut (Lauren and Klay are included in her book too😏) If you want a laugh, read her other book called "Team USA Groupchat" I promise you that you'll love both of those books! Thank you guys for your support! All love!❤️xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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