Sixteen || Trash Talk

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The next morning Klay woke up earlier than usual to go to the practice facility. His next home game was today, and the first game where Lauren won't be there sitting courtside.

He got to the Warriors practice facility at five in the morning. Practicing his shots and plays to prepare for the game. Klay's shoot-around went pretty good, until the thought of Lauren creeped back into his mind. He was missing shot after shot, getting more frustrated after every time the ball would hit the rim, and bounce off.

"You're here early." Klay's teammate, Kevin Durant said to him.

"Yeah, wanted to get ready tonight, I just can't seem to get my shots together." Klay shook his head and attempted another free-throw, hitting the side of the rim again and bouncing off.

"FUCK!" Klay yelled in anger as he threw the ball across the court.

"Woah bro, you good?" Kevin asked, worried for his teammate.

"You probably already heard what happened." Klay sighed.

"No, I saw Steph in the locker room but he didn't say anything." KD replied.

Klay explained the story about what went down and KD gave him a sympathetic look.

"You know what bro, you gotta keep fighting. I know it's hard right now, but think about it in the long run." KD said encouraging Klay.

"Don't let this distract you from playing a kickass game tonight." KD said before beginning his own shoot-around.

Klay knew that his whole team has his back and he knew that Draymond's intent was to never ruin his relationship with Lauren.

The next two hours were spent running drills and plays to prepare for tonight's game against the Oklahoma City Thunder.

"Okay guys, great practice today! See you all at the arena tonight!" The head coach, Steve Kerr, said as the team broke out and headed into the lockeroom.

Klay got dressed, said goodbye to his team, and headed out the door. He drove back to his home, getting some rest before the game. He sat on his couch and turned on the TV to see, yet again, a new media segment about him and Lauren. Klay rolled his eyes as false information came out of the reporter's mouth. Klay then took to Twitter.

@.klaythompson: Don't believe everything that you read. The media can twist anyone's words.

He was absolutely done with the media, his management, and all the bullshit that comes with it. He just wants to focus on basketball, and keep fighting for Lauren.

A couple hours passed by and it was time for Klay to drive to the arena. He was sluggish to get up, but he grabbed his stuff and headed out the door. The half and hour drive to the arena was quiet, and lonely. He remembered the home games where him and Lauren would go together and she would sing along to the songs on the radio while Klay drove. He remembered her sitting courtside, cheering him on, being his motivation. But he didn't have that anymore, so he knew he had to shake it all off and keep his mind on the game.

Klay parked in the player parking lot and entered through the player entrance. He got into the locker-room and changed into his warm up gear.

"You ready?" His teammate, Stephen, asked him.

Klay took a deep breath, "Yup." He said, being a little hesitant.

"Look dude, you can do this. It's just another challenge that you have to overcome. You got this bro, focus on the game." Steph gave him some words of encouragement.

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