Sixty-Five || The Results

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The week went by fast and Klay and Lauren did their normal routine. Klay would wake up early to go to practice, Lauren would stay at home and chill until Klay got back. Today she waited for Klay to get home to go to their appointment for the DNA test. Although Lauren was positive that it was Klay's she knew that he wanted closure and she supported that.

"Ya favorite boy is home!" Klay yelled through the house as Lauren came up to him.

"How was practice babe?" Lauren asked as she hugged him by the waist, kissing him.

"Good, it was tiring." Klay said as he rested his head on her shoulder.

"We gotta get going because we have a DNA test to take." Lauren said as she grabbed her bag as Klay followed her towards the garage.

They drove to Doctor Mcdermott's office and when they got there, they were relieved that there were no photographers in sight. They made their way into the office checking in.

"Are you ready for the playoffs?" Lauren whispered to Klay.

"Yeah, I'm kinda nervous too, you know after what happened last year." Klay said.

"I'm sure you guys will make it all the way to the finals and win the championship. There's no doubt in my mind." Lauren smiled.

"Really?" Klay said as he looked over at his fiancé.

"Yeah, believe me." Lauren said as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Lauren and Klay?" The assistant said as she opened the door.

"Follow me." She said as Lauren and Klay followed closely behind.

"Okay, just wait here and doctor Mcdermott should be right with you."

"Thank you!" Klay and Lauren both said in unison.

"Why are you so nervous?" Lauren laughed at an uneasy Klay.

"What if it really is Kevin's?" Klay said as Lauren rolled her eyes once again.

"Are you actually serious right now? I already told you everything you needed to know. Just chill out." Lauren shook her head.

Before Klay could say something, Taylor was already in the room.

"Good afternoon Lauren! Hello Klay." Taylor smiled as Lauren came up to hug her and Klay shook her hand.

"Are we ready for this DNA test?" Taylor asked before putting on a pair of gloves.

"More than ready." Lauren smiled.

"Okay Lauren I'm gonna have you get up on the examination table first, and I'm just going to draw the smallest amount of blood." Taylor explained.

"Sounds good." Lauren said as she stood up and sat on the examination table, rolling up her sleeve.

"Okay, you're just going to feel a little pinch." Taylor said as she finished drawing Lauren's blood.

"And you're done! Klay you're next."

"That was quick." Lauren smiled as she sat down.

"Ready?" Taylor asked.

"Better now than never." Klay laughed as he rolled up his sleeve.

"Okay perfect, just give me about ten minutes to get the results." Taylor said before heading out the room.

"Babe, relax." Lauren said as she rubbed Klay's back.

Ten minutes seemed like forever in Klay's mind, but Taylor was back in the room within minutes.

"Alright Lauren and Klay, ready for your results?" Taylor said as she entered the room once again.

"Yup." They both said in unison.

"It's definitely Klay's baby!" She exclaimed as Klay gasped and started jumping up and down.

"WOOOOOO!" Klay exclaimed as she started to hug and kiss Lauren.

"Have a great rest of your day!" Taylor said as she hugged both of them and headed out the door.

"What did I tell you, bitch?" Lauren laughed as her and Klay laced their fingers together and headed out the door.

"Okay, okay, I overreacted." Klay said.

"Now let's go get some celebratory dinner for you and mini!" Klay said as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"Mini?" Lauren laughed.

"That's our baby's name for now. Mini." Klay said.

"Whatever you say, Thompson." Lauren laughed.

Klay drove to Ruth's Chris, which was a fancy steakhouse located in Walnut Creek. They walked hand in hand into the restaurant, getting seated at a table.

"I can't believe it." Klay said shaking his head in disbelief.

"Me either. There's a little Klay on the way." Lauren said, rubbing her belly.

"Oh shoot we need to think of names!" Klay said.

"We have nine months to figure that out." Lauren laughed.

They ordered their dinner, and after, Klay pulled out his phone, opening the Instagram app.

"We have a little baby on the way!" Klay took a candid picture of Lauren, as he posted it on his Instagram.

"I better look good in that picture you just took." Lauren teased.

"You always look good." Klay smiled.

"And you're so corny, but I love you anyway." Lauren smiled as Klay leaned over the table to peck a quick kiss on her lips.

Author's Note: sorry if this was kind of a short update, please forgive me! Look out for another update by tonight or tomorrow morning! ALSO!! COMMENT SOME BABY NAMES! (It can be for a boy or a girl) and I'll definitely consider them! AND YOU GUYS I RAN INTO TONY DURANT FOR THE SECOND TIME LAST NIGHT😂 anyway, please show your support by commenting and voting! Thank you for your amazing feedback and comments! All love!😘xoxoxoxoxo

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