Six || American Music Awards

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After their long lunch "date", Lauren and Klay were starting to get more comfortable being around each other, but developing no feelings, just becoming friends.

They headed towards the front entrance of the restaurant and were instantly bombarded with paparazzi. They knew the drill, to hold hands every time they walk in public.

There were many questions that were being thrown at them. Some of them positive, some negative. The two ignored the media and stepped into the car service . They were making their way to the Oakland airport, to go to Los Angeles for their red carpet appearance.

"You know what, Thompson, I thought you were cocky at first, but you're pretty cool." Lauren said with a smile.

"Well thanks, I guess." Klay laughed.

"I admit, I thought you were a bitch at first but you're alright." Klay joked.

"Well thanks, it's probably my resting bitch face." Lauren chuckled.

The short drive to the Oakland airport came to a stop when the two arrived on the tarmac, a private jet awaiting their arrival.

The two got out of the car and were greeted by the pilot.

"Good afternoon Ms. Hill and and Mr. Thompson."

"Good afternoon." They replied with a smile.

They got into the private jet, immediately flopping onto the couch.

"We have a long day ahead of us." Lauren said, pulling her phone out.

"Might as well Snapchat it." Klay said.

Klay pulled out his phone, opening up Snapchat, and pressed and hold to take a video.

"What's up guys, I'm here with this beautiful girl on our way to Los Angeles. See you soon!" Klay smiled.

"Damn, for being a first time participant in a publicity stunt, that was smooth." Lauren teased.

"Might as well make it as believable as we can, right?" Klay said.

"True, true."

The two decided to catch some sleep as they got comfortable on the flight to LA.

Klay's phone buzzed.

Dub Squad🤘🏻🔥👅

Money23DayDay: damn Klay! Y'all's relationship looks believable!

Baby Faced Stephanie: Yeah dude, Ayesha and I are watching E! News and you and Lauren are everywhere!!

Ian Clark: Bro since you're relationship is fake, can I get her number?

West the best: Ian shut up you can't get no girl

Living Livingston: But for real Klay, y'all make a hot ass couple

Durantula: Yeah she hot bro

Klay: She's actually pretty chill. She's got a great personality

Baby Faced Stephanie: woah woah woah, is Klay developing a crush???😏😏😏

Klay: Hell no bro, I was just saying she's pretty cool

Money23DayDay: okayyy okayyy😏

Klay: ok whatever, I'll talk to you guys later. We're already in LA

Just as Klay sent the text, the private jet landed onto the tarmac of LAX airport.

"We hereeee!!" Lauren snapchatted.

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