Twelve || Models That Work Together, Stay Together

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Lauren woke up the next day with the biggest smile on her face. Everything that happened yesterday kept replaying in her head. It's like it was a fantasy. She really did like Klay, but she was also paranoid that his or her management would find out. She ignored the thoughts as she rolled over and grabbed her phone off of the charger. Klay left her a text message, letting her know that he got to Oakland safely. She smiled at the thought of him, never knowing what real feelings felt like until now. She scrolled through her Instagram feed, liking pictures of her other supermodel friends. She took to Twitter and tweeted

Missin you already💘

It was obvious that the tweet was directed to Klay. The fans went nuts. Retweeting and liking her tweet, quoting it and tagging Klay.

Minutes later, Draymond tweeted.

My boy @.klaythompson won't stop talking about @.laurenhill during practice today #smh

Lauren laughed and liked and retweeted Dray's tweet. Then, Kevin tweeted.

@.laurenhill please make Klay stop🙃

Lauren just laughed at Klay's teammates, retweeting their tweets. She then got a text from her model friend, Bella Hadid.

Bells❤️: Hey girl! I'm in LA today and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?

Lauren: Hell yeah! I'm down to catch up with you🙏🏼

Bells❤️: sounds good! I'll be in Calabasas in half an hour.

Lauren out of of bed and started getting ready for her girls day with Bella. She wore a red Saint Pablo Tour long-sleeved, oversized, shirt with white knee high boots. She put her hair up into a high pony tail, and applied a natural layer of makeup on. She grabbed her Chanel bag and headed downstairs, waiting for Bella to arrive. Within a few minutes, Lauren heard the doorbell ring.

"Bells!!!!" Lauren screamed as she opened the door to one of her good friends.

"Laur, I missed you!" Bella hugged her tight, Lauren returning the hug.

"But damn, I didn't know you moved to Calabasas! Your new house is huge!" Bella said, taking in Lauren's nine thousand square foot mansion.

"It gets lonely here sometimes." Lauren shrugged.

"Anyway, I'm hungry, let's eat!" The two headed out the door, getting into Lauren's Mercedes Benz.

"So how have things been for you, B?" Lauren asked.

"They've been pretty hectic. I've been working out so much lately for the VS Fashion Show." Bella sighed.

"Oh girl me too, it's so hard getting the perfect body shape for the show!" Lauren rolled her eyes, agreeing with Bella.

The rest of the car ride to Malibu consisted of Lauren and Bella catching up, them singing to songs on the radio, and Bella snap chatting the whole thing. They finally got to Malibu and pulled up to Nobu, a famous sushi restaurant known by almost all celebrities.

Lauren dropped her car off with the valet service, as her and Bella walked into Nobu, immediately making people turn their heads.

"Oh my gosh that's Lauren Hill and Bella Hadid!"

"Isn't she dating Klay Thompson?"  Were some of the things being whispered as Lauren and Bella were being escorted to their table.

"Those were some interesting things that people were saying." Bella laughed.

"You think we'd be used to it by now but it's totally the opposite." Lauren chuckled.

They ordered their food and started catching up again with one another.

"So, that contract huh?" Bella raised her eyebrows.

"Ugh don't even remind me about it, it honestly gives me so much anxiety. Like what if people find out that it started off as a contract? What if word gets out to our managements?" Lauren put her face in her hands. She knew that she could trust Bella with anything, so she's the only friend of Lauren's that knows what's really going on.

"Hey, it's okay. What's meant to happen will happen. We just have to make sure that nothing gets spread." Bella comforted Lauren.

"I really really like him, Bells." Lauren signed.

"I can tell you do Laur. I mean, the way you talk about him. You've never talked about any guy like that, ever." Bella gave Lauren and assuring smile.

"I'm always here for ya girlie, and remember, you've got Ayesha to look for advice and comfort too." Bella smiled.

"You're right."

"Don't worry about it, focus on your career and your relationship. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." Bella patted Lauren's arm, making sure she heard what she said.

"Thanks B, I love you boo." Lauren smiled.

"Anytime girlie, I got your back. Now let's go shopping!" Bella lightened the mood.

The two left a tip and headed out the door. There were more paparazzi out but the two got into Lauren's car quickly, heading to Rodeo Drive.

Bella and Lauren spent the rest of the day shopping at Rodeo Drive, spending loads of money on new clothes. They had dinner at a fancy steakhouse, gossiping and having a great time.

"Bells do you wanna sleep over tonight?" Lauren said, opening the gates to her house.

"Sure! We can watch movies!!" Bella said, acting like a little girl.

The two dressed into their pajamas and decided to watch KD's old movie "Thunderstruck". Lauren took a picture and decided to send it to Kevin.

Lauren: Bella and I are ready to laugh at your bad acting😂😏

Kevin Durant: Shut up, that was like four years ago😂

After watching the first movie, they decided to watch Mean Girls. They recited almost every line, knowing the movie by heart.

The rest of the night was spent watching more movies, eating loads of popcorn and candy.

"We might just have to work out three times tomorrow with the way we're eating all this shit." Lauren laughed and Bella nodded in agreement.

"Our trainers are gonna hate us." Bella joked.

Author's Note: Surprise! Another update! I stayed home from school today because I'm feeling a bit under the weather 😭So I took it to my advantage and decided to write another chapter for you guys! I wanted to include a look into Lauren's life in this update so I hope you all like it! I know this is kinda shorter than most chapters but I still hope that you enjoy reading it! Please continue to vote and comment! Thank you for reading! Love you alllll😘xoxoxox

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