Forty-Two || Confused

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It's been a week since the turmoil of Vegas weekend happened. Today was game day. The Golden State Warriors were going to play the Cleveland Cavaliers for the second time of the season. Klay was doing his usual pre-game routine, getting into the groove of things. He was warming up his shots as he saw some of the players from the Cavs run out and start warming up on the other side of the court. Klay turned around and saw Kyrie from the corner of his eye. He started to tense up and get angrier as he looked at Kyrie.

"She slept with him." Klay said to himself. He shook his head and went back to warming up.

"Hey brodie, you good?" Steph said, walking up to Klay.

"Yeah, just can't wait to kick their asses." Klay said sternly.

Steph knew something was up, but he didn't wanna ruin Klay's mood so he went back to practicing his shots from the logo.

Their warm ups came to an end as the splash brothers made their way into the tunnel and signed a couple things for fans. They went back into the locker room and got ready for game time. The team gathered up outside the locker room, getting into a team huddle as Draymond gave his teammates motivation before they headed out to the court. They heard the cheers from Oracle as they ran out of the tunnel. Roars grew as the bay's team got into their lay-up lines. Player introductions began and now it was time for tip-off. Kyrie went in for a friendly handshake to Klay, but Klay just ignored him and got into position. The ball was tossed into the air as Zaza easily tipped it to Steph. This was a big game for the Dubs, and they wanted to put on a show for Dub Nation. The first play of the night started with Steph dribbling through defenders and laying up an impossible shot. The crowd cheered as they all moved back to defense.

The Warriors were off to a powerful start, completely demolishing the Cavs in the first quarter. The score after the first was GSW-40 and CLE-15. Roaracle went insane as the Warriors got their revenge for the Cavs. Passes were being stolen, dunks were going down, and three-pointers were being drained. After the first half, the Warriors were already up by forty points.

During the beginning of the second half, Kyrie was switched and was guarding Klay. Klay took this opportunity to embarrass Kyrie and get pay back for sleeping with his girl. Klay dribbled from right to left and faked out Kyrie, leaving him flat on the floor. The crowd went wild.

"That's what you get for sleeping with my girl." Klay spat as he stepped over Kyrie.

Kyrie ran back to offense, with Klay guarding him.

"What are you talking about bro? I didn't sleep with her! I was in another room!" Kyrie yelled over the crowd as the ball was passed to him.

"What do you mean? I heard from people that you did?" Klay said, confused.

Kyrie passed the ball, distracted, making him turning it over. The crowd cheered as it was Warriors' ball.

"I didn't sleep with her bro, cross my heart." Kyrie said.

For the rest of the game, Klay was confused. He didn't know who to trust at this point. The game ended up being a blowout, the Warriors completely annihilating the Cavs. They walked back to the locker room, Klay hanging his head down.

"Klay boy! Why you sad?! We won!" Draymond said, running to get to Klay,

"Kyrie said that he didn't sleep with Lauren though bro? I'm hella confused." Klay shook his head.

Draymond raised his eyebrows, confused as well.

"I saw y'all talking on the court but I didn't know what y'all was talking about." Draymond explained.

"Yeah he just told me that he didn't sleep with her but like who do I trust now?" Klay said, as they entered the team locker room.

The rest of the team celebrated their win as they got dressed into the clothes they entered the arena with.

"Hey K, Kyrie told Klay that he didn't sleep with Lauren." Draymond whispered, as he went up to Kevin's side of the room.

"I don't know bro, it was pretty clear Kyrie took her into the room." Kevin shrugged.

"Are you sure? You were pretty drunk too, you could have seen anyone." Draymond said.

"I don't know anymore, this situation is getting out of hand." KD shook his head.

The team all said their goodbyes to each other as they headed out the arena. Since the team had a week off, due to rest before playoffs, KD drove straight to Oakland International Airport and called a quick jet to take him to Los Angeles. He put his hood up as he walked on the tarmac, walking up the stairs to his private jet.

He sat down on the couch, waiting for the jet to take off. The jet flew over Oakland, KD seeing the arena that he played at an hour ago.

He was about to take a quick nap until his phone received a text message.

Day Day the Bae Bae: Hey K, wanna go out tonight? Coach said there's no practice tomorrow.

KDTrey5: Sorry, bro, I'm gonna be in LA for the day tomorrow.

Day Day the Bae Bae: oh aight, see u soon love u😘

KDTrey5: love u too Day Day❤️

Kevin shook his head playfully as he laughed at his bromance with Draymond.

The short flight to LA, came to a halt as the jet touched down in LAX. KD grabbed his backpack and got off the plane as his car service was waiting on the tarmac.

"Good evening Mr. Durant." The service driver greeted the NBA All-Star.

"Good evening, thank you." Kevin replied as he got into the backseat of the car.

The driver took him to his hotel in Santa Monica. KD was dropped off and checked into his presidential suite. He took in the sights of Santa Monica from his balcony as he remembered the reason why he went to LA. He picked up his phone and dialed a number.

"Hello?" A voice answered on the other line.

"Hey Lauren, it's KD."

"Oh hey K, what's up?"

"Are you busy tomorrow?" KD asked.

"Uh I have a photoshoot early in the morning but I'm free after ten in the morning." Lauren explained.

"Okay, I just got to LA and I was wondering if you wanted to meet up tomorrow?" KD said.

"Yeah of course! I'll pick you up at your hotel, yeah?"

"Ok sounds good, I'll see ya tomorrow." KD replied before saying goodbye and hanging up the phone.

He crashed on his bed and let out a deep sigh.

"Imma have to do some explaining tomorrow." KD said to himself.

Author's Note: hey y'all! I'm so sorry I had you guys wait a week for another update :( I've been so busy lately, and I know I always say that, but it's almost the end of the school year and I have to really get on that study grind😂Look out for another update later today! (Maybe😏) hope you guys are having a great weekend! Thank you so the constant support for this book! You all make this so special for me to write! Much love! xoxoxoxoxo❤️

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