Twenty-Four || The Ellen Show

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It has been a week since the Espy's and Lauren was about to be interviewed on the Ellen DeGeneres show. Klay was on an eight game road trip in the east coast, so Lauren is by herself for the following week.

She woke up the following morning ready to start the day. She got out of bed and went downstairs to her kitchen. She looked through her fridge before pulling out some frozen fruit and protein powder. She blended up a power smoothie and headed upstairs to get ready for the Ellen Show. Her glam squad arrived, immediately working on getting Lauren's hair and makeup done. She snapchatted while getting ready as she got a call from Klay.

"Hey Thompson." Lauren answered as she smiled.

"Hey babe, how are you?" Klay asked.

"I'm doing good. Congrats on the win last night! I wish I was there to watch it live." Lauren frowned.

"It's okay, there are many more games that I can fly you out to." Klay smiled through the phone.

"True. Good luck with tomorrow's game, I'll be watching on TV!" Lauren replied.

"Thanks Hill. Good luck with the Ellen show! The team and I will be watching!" Klay said before him and Lauren said their goodbyes and hung up.

"I'm so happy for you two. You guys seem really happy." Joyce said, applying eyeshadow to Lauren's eyelids.

"Aw thank you. He makes me so happy, J, it's crazy." Lauren blushed.

"I can tell. You two are the hottest yet most adorable couple." Joyce replied as Lauren smiled.

About an hour and a half later, Lauren was ready for the Ellen Show.

"Alright girlie, you're ready! Good luck!" Lauren's glam squad finished up getting her ready as she headed out the door into a car service. The drive to the studio wasn't too bad, knowing how terrible LA traffic is.

Lauren got dropped off at the studios as she met with her temporary manager, Kathy, who is also Klay's manager.

"Hey Lauren! You ready?" Kathy asked.

"Yup!" Lauren said as the security guard opened the doors to backstage.

She was led to her own dressing room backstage. Lauren was sitting on the couch on her phone when she heard a knock on the door.

"It's open!" Lauren said as Ellen walked into the dressing room.

"You must be the amazing, Lauren Hill!" Ellen greeted Lauren with a hug.

"Ellen! It's so nice to meet you!" Lauren said, returning a big smile.

"Likewise! See you out there on stage!" Ellen said before walking out of the door.

"You guys, I just met Ellen DeGeneres!" Lauren said while filming a snapchat video and posting it to her story.

"Lauren Hill, you're on in five!" The stage manager said to Lauren. She got up and looked in the mirror, making sure she looked good before heading out onstage.

Lauren got out of the dressing room and walked to the side of the stage.

"Our next special guest is the world's biggest supermodel and a new addition to the Victoria's Secret Angels, please welcome, Lauren Hill!" The crowed cheered as Ellen announced.

Lauren walked onto stage and waved to the crowd. She gave Ellen a hug before sitting down on the chair next to her.

"Thank you for being here today! I know you have a very hectic schedule!" Ellen said, as they sat down.

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