Thirty-Eight || En Route to Sin City

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Lauren woke up the next morning in Draymond's living room. She woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs coming from the kitchen. She sat up and saw KD, cooking on the stove.

Lauren stood up and walked over to the fridge to get some water.

"Morning Hill!" KD said as he kept cooking.

"Ayyyy KD." Lauren smiled as she took a sip from her water.

"How you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm alright, still in shock, to be honest." Lauren sighed.

"Hey it's alright, did you at least get an explanation?"

"Nope. Nothing. He stayed silent when I started questioning him." Lauren rolled her eyes.

"I know it's hard right now, but he's gotta fess up at one point." KD said.

"I'm so tired of it though, like it already happened in New Orleans of him not being open and now again? If this begins to be an ongoing thing, I don't think I can deal with it." Lauren put her face in her hands.

"Hey, you'll be fine. Dray and I are hosting a party in Vegas tonight, do you wanna come with?" KD turned off the stove as he asked Lauren.

"Nah, I don't wanna be a drag, I'll fly back to LA tonight." Lauren shook her head.

"C'mon it'll be fun! Take your mind off the situation for a bit." KD tried to convince Lauren. She was a little hesitant until she heard Draymond's footsteps from the stairs.

"L-dawg you ain't a tag along! Come with us! It'll be fun!" Draymond said.

"Yeah!" KD said making puppy dog eyes to Lauren as Draymond did the same.

"Ugh okay fine!" Lauren gave in.

"YAY!!!" Dray and KD jumped up and down as Lauren playfully rolled her eyes.

They all ate their breakfast as they scrolled through their phones.

"Hey I'm gonna go shopping for clothes before we leave, is that ok?" Lauren suggested, finishing her breakfast.

"Yeah! Our flight isn't until noon so you've got time." Draymond said as he glanced at the clock.

"Great! I'll see you guys soon!" Lauren said goodbye as she hugged them before heading out the door. She got into the car and drove off to a nearby mall in Walnut Creek. As she was driving, she got a call from Ayesha.

"Hey Eesh." Lauren answered as she began driving.

"Hey Laur, is everything alright?" Ayesha said, concerned.

Lauren then explained to Ayesha what occurred the night before.

"Laur, I'm so sorry to hear that." Ayesha said, sympathetically over the phone.

"It's alright Eesh, I'm just trying to get my mind off it."

"Well, I'm only a text or a call away if you need me okay?" Ayesha assured Lauren.

"Thanks girl, we need a girls' night soon." Lauren responded.

"For sure! We'll plan one soon!" Ayesha said as they said their goodbyes before hanging up. Lauren arrived to the parking lot of the high-fashion mall in Walnut Creek. Before she got out of the car, she checked her phone to see a ton of missed calls and messages from Klay. She sighed and ignored any contact with him. She put on sunglasses to cover her swollen eyes and walked with her head down towards the entrance. There were quite a few paparazzi but not enough to start a crowd. She hurried her way into the mall and kept her sunglasses on. She made her way to Saint Laurent and started looking for clothes.

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