Fourteen || Love You Goodbye

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The next morning Klay practically jumped out of this bed, fuming with anger as he saw the videos and headlines all over social media.

"DRAYMOND JAMAL GREEN WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?!" Klay said, storming to the main living room of the suite.

"Woah man, chill, the fuck is going on?" Draymond put his hands up in defense.

"Look at this shit." Klay shoved his phone in Draymond's face showing him the videos and the articles that were spread overnight.

"Holy shit. Bro, I'm so so sorry...." Draymond's mood changed.

"Bruh you fucked up." KD shrugged his shoulders, while eating his cereal.

"My manager is gonna call and yell at me any minute now." Klay rolled his eyes.

"Bro, I was drunk, I'm sorry." Draymond confessed.

"Yeah I know, we were all fucking wasted. We never talk to paparazzi ever! How come you just opened your big ass mouth and exposed it to the world?" Klay was distressed.

"Klay chill out, he was drunk, he obviously didn't know what he was saying." Steph defended Draymond, as the rest of the team nodded in agreement.

"I know I know, but fuck this is not going to be good." Klay was pacing around the room.

"Goodmorning friends, and Draymond." Lauren said, giving Dray a death glare.

"I know, and I'm so sorry okay? I was drunk and I fucked up." Draymond said, annoyed, yet genuinely sorry about what he did.

"I know you were drunk, but we can't reverse the fact that it's all over the Internet and the whole world knows about it now." Lauren sighed, putting her face into her hands.

"Oh shit, Bryana's calling." Lauren's heart was racing as she picked up her phone.

"I already know wha-"

"LAUREN HILL AND KLAY THOMPSON, MEETING. NOW." Was all Bryana said before she hung up.

"Well, let's get ready." Lauren sighed as her and Klay got dressed to meet with their management teams.

"See you guys later. If I ever will be able to see you guys after the meeting." Lauren sighed, hugging each of Klay's teammates.

Klay and Lauren walked out of the hotel building, taking a short walk to the club they were at last night, and picking up Klay's car. The two got in as Klay drove off to the building where there immediate meeting was being held.

"We are so fucked." Lauren sunk into her seat.

"Did you see what they were saying on twitter? Some nasty things." Klay shook his head.

"This is not only bad for our management but it's embarrassing for us." Lauren sighed.

She scrolled through her twitter, wishing this was all just a dream. She came across a certain tweet that was retweeted almost two hundred thousand times.

Told ya this shit was fake😂 #player #LaurenIWarnedYou #KlayIsFake

This tweet made Lauren furious.

"Can you tell your fucking ex to shut the fuck up before I beat her ass?!" Lauren said, showing the tweet to Klay.

"She is psycho. She knows nothing." Klay shook his head, cringing at the thought that he ever dated Hannah.

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