Thirty-Three || Bad Vibes in NOLA

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It was Wednesday and the Warrior all-stars were on their way to New Orleans. Draymond, Kevin, Steph, Klay, Ayesha, and Lauren all gathered up in a private get and took off to NOLA. They had a long flight ahead of them, but that didn't stop Draymond from taking Snapchats of everyone who was sleeping. Draymond was so excited, that even he didn't sleep himself.

After a couple hours, they all finally landed in the famous city of New Orleans.

"All-star weekend baby!" Draymond snapchatted as they stepped out of their private jet, each of them getting into their own car service. Ayesha and Steph heading into one, Klay and Lauren into their own, and Draymond and KD in another one.

"Look who's in New Orleans." Klay rolled his eyes, showing a post that everyone was tagging him in. Lauren looked at the post that Hannah Stocking added to her Instagram.

"I'm in NOLA baby!" She captioned a selfie.

"Is she a stalker or something?" Lauren shook her head.

"You have no idea." Klay said locking his phone.

"Are we ever gonna talk about what happened?" Lauren said, already growing impatient and annoyed about the lack of communication.

"Can we just drop it? It's all-star weekend and I don't want to worry about anything." Klay snapped at Lauren.

Her eyes widened, shocked to see Klay snap like that.

"Fine, sorry. It's your weekend, have fun." Lauren rolled her eyes. The rest of the car ride to the hotel was silent, the tension so thick that you could cut it with a knife.

They got to the hotel, checking into their suites and unpacking.

"Sorry I snapped like that, I'm just tired and just wanna have a good weekend." Klay said.

"I know, but I feel like there's a lack of communication between our past. I think we both deserve to know what's going on." Lauren sighed.

"Well I agree but why do you always have to butt in all the time?" Klay said with furrowed eyebrows.

"I just want answers. I'm sure you have questions too. I'm just trying to have better communication with you. It seems like all we talk about is the rainbows and unicorns. We've never had the serious conversations." Lauren said, rubbing her forehead.

"What if our relationship isn't serious?" Klay spat back which made Lauren widen her eyes, shocked at what Klay just said.

"Glad I know where we stand." Lauren sighed, taking her bag and heading out the door.

"No Lauren wait! I didn't mean it like that." Klay said.

"Didn't mean what Klay? That our relationship doesn't seem serious to you? You're obviously hiding something." Lauren spat.

"You've never called me Klay. What happened to Thompson?" Klay said.

"What happened to communicating? What happened to telling each other everything? I'm not saying it's over but you should really think about what you said to me." Lauren was on the verge of tears.

"You're overreacting, oh my gosh." Klay rolled his eyes.

"Apparently if we aren't serious, then what was this for?" Lauren pointed to her promise ring that Klay bought her in New York.

Klay stayed silent.

"Do you give all of your past girlfriends promise rings?" Lauren asked.

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