Fifty || Did You Both Not Read Through the Entire Contract?

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"Hey Steph, it's Dray." Draymond said through the phone.

"Oh what's up my man?" Steph said.

"Bro I need your help. Klay and Lauren are not on speaking terms, he's acting really different, and she's going crazy." Draymond shortened the complications of the whole story.

"Wait what? Bro you're gonna have to explain. Let's have lunch somewhere in Walnut Creek, yeah?" Steph said, shaking his head in confusion.

"Yeah I gotchu, I'll meet you there in like an hour?"

"Sounds good, see you there." Steph replied as they said their goodbyes and hung up.

Draymond got dressed, and hopped into his Lamborghini, driving to the Walnut Creek shopping center. He saw Steph's G-wagon parked, so he decided to park next to him. He got out of the car, being greeted by minimal paparazzi as he made his way into the restaurant. He saw Steph sitting as a nearby table as he motioned to the waitress that he already had a table.

"The Wardell Stephen Curry." Draymond said as he walked to their table, Steph standing up to give Draymond a bro-hug.

"What's up Day Day. I'm digging the pink jacket." Steph said as he pointed to Dray's pink leather jacket.

"You already know." Draymond joked as he posed.

"Anyway, let's get to the situation. What's going on?" Steph said, raising his eyebrows in confusion.

"Sit back, because this is a long story." Draymond said before letting out a deep sigh.

Draymond explained the Kelsey situation, Klay looking to propose to Lauren, the whole Vegas incident with KD, the drunk incident with KD, and how Lauren is drowning herself in alcohol to runway from reality.

"What the...." was all Steph could let out after hearing the whole story.

"So you're telling me that Kelsey is Klay's brothers fiancé, and Klay just flew her out to help him find a ring for Lauren, but he didn't say that to her so she found her, thought she was a groupie, ran to you and K, went to Vegas, slept with K, who blamed Kyrie for this, and then they became sleeping buddies ever since?" Steph said, trying to understand the situation more clearly.

"Yup." Draymond let out.

"Oh jeez, this station got worse than it actually should've." Steph said, rubbing his forehead.

"Tell me about it."

"Well first we need to talk to Kevin, he probably knows more than we do." Steph suggested.

"Yeah, but he's in LA right now with Lauren. If you see the paparazzi pictures, they're not acting like they're just friends." Draymond said, pulling out his phone to show Steph the paparazzi photos.

"I feel like we can't just assume stuff based on photos, we need Lauren's side, Kevin's side, and Klay's side. This is gonna me so messy." Steph shook his head, sinking into his chair.

"It already feels like an earthquake hit their relationship." Draymond rolled his eyes.

"We knew that Klay was so happy with her too dude. He loved her so much that he was going to propose not even a year into dating her." Steph said.

"We gotta fix this." Draymond said as Steph nodded.

"As long as they're willing to fix this mess too." Steph sighed.

Steph and Draymond moved onto a lighter subject as they finished off their lunch. They talked about basketball, the playoffs, and the NFL draft. The finished their lunch as they said goodbye, and headed back towards their cars. Now that Draymond got Steph into operation get Klauren back together, he knew that they were gonna try and make this work.

Meanwhile back in LA, KD took a plane back to Oakland, saying goodbye to Lauren. Lauren woke up with a painful and pounding headache, probably from all the alcohol she consumed. She rolled over, grabbing her phone off of the charger. Lauren saw that she had ten missed calls from her new manager, Kimberly. She furrowed her eyebrows as she called back.

"Lauren Hill! I've been trying to reach you all morning!" Kimberly said in a distressed tone.

"Sorry Kim, rough night." Lauren sighed.

"I need you on the next private jet to Oakland, we have a meeting and a contract to discuss." Kimberly said before hanging up.

"Oh my gosh, the contract." Lauren said, groaning.

"I totally forgot about the whole thing." Lauren facepalmed.

She ripped the sheets from her as she walked over to her walk-in closet, taking out a pair of jeans, a loose white t-shirt, and YSL boots. She dressed herself as she put on mascara, and tied her hair up in a messy bun. She brushed her teeth, packed a few overnight clothes, and headed out the door. She got into a car service that drove her quickly to the LAX airport. She got onto to the tarmac and into the private jet that was awaiting her. The thirty minute flight to Oakland was short, and nostalgic. While preparing for landing, she looked out the window and saw the iconic Oracle Arena. That building built memories for her that she wish would come back. The jet landed as she quickly grabbed her stuff and got into the car service that would take her to downtown San Francisco. She arrived at the same building where her and Klay were first photographed as a "couple". The rest is history. She walked into the building, and got into the elevator, pressing the button for the top floor. The doors opened up to the office, where her and Klay first met. She walked into the office where she signed a pile of papers that would change her life.

"Lauren Hill!" Kathy, Klay's manager greeted her with a hug. After Lauren pulled away from the hug, she saw a face that she hadn't seen in months. His eyes were swollen, bags underneath his tired eyes, and his posture was slumped.

"Hey Klay." Was all Lauren could let out. He didn't respond. She sat down slowly, waiting for the meeting to start. As the meeting started, another male came into the room, making Klay and Lauren's jaws drop.

"What...wh-what is he doing here?" Lauren stuttered, pointing to the male who just walked in.

"Wait what? Why is he here?" Klay said, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Did you both not read through the entire contract?" Both of Klay and Lauren's managers asked in unison.

Author's Note: DUN DUN DUN🤐Who do you guys think the certain male is? And why is he at the meeting? SO MANY QUESTIONS SO MANY ANSWERS😶Soooo the contract is back, and it always has been😉but omg klauren is back in the same room together for the first time since the whole Kelsey incident. Poor Kelsey was misunderstood when all she did was help Klay find an engagement ring for Lauren😭There is so much more to come omg I'm so excited!!! Steph and Dray are making it their priority to get Klay and Lauren back together, do you think they'll succeed? Let me know your thoughts and ideas! Thank you for your constant support for this book it means the world to me! Please don't forget to comment and vote! Have a lovely Sunday, and happy Mother's Day! All love❤️xoxoxoxoxoxo

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