Thirty-Two || She's Back

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Klay was out today for practice before the NBA All-Star Weekend in New Orleans. Lauren made sure that she didn't have work during that weekend so she could join Klay.

She was packing up her suitcase when she heard the doorbell ring. She wasn't expecting anyone to come over today so she walked slowly downstairs, padding over to the front door. She looked through the peephole of the door and saw a familiar female figure standing outside. Lauren immediately recognized the face as she opened the door. When she saw who was on the other side of the door, her stomach dropped.

"Hello! Is Klay home?" The annoying voice of Klay's ex, Hannah Stocking asked nonchalantly to Lauren.

"Um no, why?" Lauren said slowly, cocking her eyebrow.

"Oh nothing, I just wanted to stop by and say hi! Who are you again?" Hannah asked as Lauren's jaw almost dropped.

"I'm his girlfriend..." she responded quietly.

"Oh, yeah I remember you! Honestly I don't know why Klay downgraded to you." Hannah said, as Lauren's blood was boiling.

"Excuse me?" Lauren was shocked, she couldn't believe the words that were coming out of Hannah's mouth.

"Oh honey please, we all know you were just a rebound for Klay." Hannah said, rolling her eyes.

"Klay hasn't dated for over a year, how can I possibly be a quick rebound?" Lauren said, her voice raising.

"Welcome to the NBA side hoe life. Tell Klay that I stopped by, yeah?" Hannah said, flipping her hair, which made Lauren even more mad.

"How did you even get through the gate anyway?" Lauren asked, shaking her head.

"I know the code sweetie, he hasn't changed it in years."

The way Hannah talked to Lauren made her feel like she was nothing. It felt like Hannah didn't even treat Lauren like a human being.

Before Hannah could get back into her car, another car pulled up and blocked her way. A sigh of relief came to Lauren as she saw Ayesha step out of the car that just entered the driveway.

"Hey Lauren! Who's this?" Ayesha yelled, making her way to the front door.

"Klay's ex." Lauren gave a nasty look towards Hannah.

"Um excuse me can you move your car so I can leave?" Hannah said, growing impatient.

"Um excuse me but can you stop being such a sensitive bitch and realize that Klay has moved on from your annoying ass?" Ayesha fired back, making Lauren covering her mouth, holding back her laughter.

"Who are you?" Hannah said, trying to make it sound like she wasn't weak.

"Ayesha Curry. And who are you? Oh yeah, the girl who used Klay for money, we all know what you did honey." Ayesha said, making Hannah's jaw drop.

Lauren was borderline about to burst into laughter. She was also shocked, not knowing Ayesha had that in her.

"I'll move my car, just as long as you move your ass out of all of our lives." Ayesha said, getting back into her car and moving into Klay's driveway.

Hannah was so embarrassed that she drove away from Lauren and Ayesha as fast as she could.

"Girl, I didn't know you had that in you." Lauren said, as Ayesha walked up to the front door.

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