Forty-Six || So, How's Klay?

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Lauren has been working constantly ever since KD made his confession, and the phone call with Klay occurred. She hadn't talked to him since, even though she knew she had to. But that wasn't on her mind right now. Lauren was more worried about the upcoming week, which was LA Fashion Week. She was working out two times a day, eating healthy, detoxing, and preparing to walk many many runways. She was also doing photoshoots everyday, to keep her mind busy. She shot with Calvin Klein, DVF, Chanel, Givenchy, Adidas, to name a few.

It was the Friday before fashion week, as Lauren sent out invitations for her guests last Monday. She sent invites to the Curry's, KD, Draymond, Iguodala, Ian Clark, Patrick McCaw, and her parents.

She decided to work out for the third time today, since she had nothing to do. She headed out the door, and drove to the Calabasas public gym where her trainer was awaiting her.

"Hill! You're a workout machine!" Her trainer, Dom, said.

"LA fashion week got me on that grind!" Lauren laughed as she set her stuff down and started stretching.

Lauren knew the situation with KD, but she promised him an invite, and she wanted to keep it professional. She also had the guts to send an invite to Klay, but he denied the offer.

Lauren began her usual workout with lunges. The workout then became intense as she got to her abs and her arms.

After about an hour and a half of working out, Lauren was done with her third workout of the day.

"Way to stay dedicated and focused Hill, you're gonna look amazing for fashion week!" Dom said as she thanked and hugged him before heading out the door.

Besides modeling, working out was Lauren's therapy. She knew that she still had a bunch of time on her hands so she decided to drive to a community recreation center in the Calabasas Commons. Luckily, paparazzi didn't know that she was here so there was no sight of a single camera. Lauren showed the front desk her resident ID as they let her through. She breathed out a sigh of relief seeing that no one was using the court. She walked into an empty indoor basketball court and picked up the ball. Basketball was her life back then in high school, but she knew modeling was her passion. She snapped a quick photo of the court and captioned it:

"Back to the old days 🏀" and posted it to her snapchat story.

Lauren started to do easy lay-ups, mid-range jumpers, and threes behind the arc. She was sinking in almost every shot, feeling her own rhythm. While shooting, memories of Klay came back to her. The first Warriors game she sat courtside at, Klay's 60 point game, her one on one game with Klay, the NBA All-Star Game, the five on five game with other NBA stars, and the support that she gave her ex-boyfriend at every home game. She brushed the memories out of her brain, focusing on shooting the basketball.

"Hill?" Lauren's shoot-around was disrupted by a familiar voice. She furrowed her eyebrows as she turned around and saw that tall-skinny, male figure.

"Durant?" Lauren joked as he came up to her and greeted her with a hug.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Well Dray and I got invitations for fashion week, so we flew early out to LA this morning, and we saw your snap and knew you were here." KD explained.

"Thanks for coming, I hope things aren't too awkward." Lauren said.

"Not at all, that already happened and I really hope we can still be really good friends?" KD said.

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