Sixty || Bumps Back Home

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Everyone woke up the next morning packing their stuff in luggages to head back home. The rest of the crew was going back to Oakland, while Deandre was just a two and a half hour drive back home to Los Angeles.

"DJ! We'll see ya soon! Good luck in the playoffs my man." Steph said as he gave Deandre a bro hug. Everyone else said their goodbyes to Deandre as he got into the car service that would take him back home.

"Alright losers, let's get on the drive to LA." Lauren said as everyone loaded their luggages into the trunk of Lauren's car that they took to Palm Desert.

Lauren was driving, Ayesha in the passenger seat, while KD, Dray, Klay, and Steph were in the back.

"Lauren, thank goodness you have a G-wagon, because if you had a normal sized car, I don't think four NBA basketball players could fit in the back." Draymond joked.

"Real funny Green." Lauren playfully rolled her eyes as she entered the freeway, making their way to LA.

"Hey, when is your guys' first practice before playoffs?" Lauren asked.

"Not until Wednesday." Steph answered.

"Do guys feel like going back to Oakland today? Because I feel like we'll be tired after this drive." Lauren asked.

"I mean, we can stay in LA for the day and fly out to Oakland tomorrow morning." Steph suggested.

"You guys are more than welcome to stay at my place in Calabasas." Lauren smiled.

"OOOOO TURN UP!" KD yelled as he grabbed the aux chord.

"Hey Durant it's my turn on the aux!" Steph said.

"Your songs are trash Wardell, we ain't listening to Hamilton for two and a half hours!" KD joked.

"Don't you pull the government names out on me!" Steph said, pretending to feel offended.

"Let's end all world war and put Draymond's phone on the aux. Out of all of us, he has the best music taste." Lauren said.

"L-dawg is the only real one here." Draymond said, snatching the aux chord, playing the Dora The Explorer theme song.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Everyone said, as they shook their heads at Draymond's shenanigans.

"I kid, I kid." Draymond laughed, putting on Chance The Rapper's album.

"That's more like it." Ayesha said.

About forty minutes into the drive, everyone was asleep but Lauren and Ayesha. As she was driving, Lauren was starting to feel a little sick.

"Hey Eesh." Lauren started.

"Hmm?" Ayesha looked over at Lauren.

"Laur, are you okay? You look pale." Ayesha looked up from her seat.

"I don't feel good Ayesha. I think we need to find the nearest restroom." Lauren started to feel even more sick as the minutes passed by.

"Quick, the next exit there's a diner. Stop there." Ayesha said as she kept an eye on her friend.

Lauren quickly went onto the off ramp of the freeway and pulled up to the diner next to a gas station.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Ayesha asked.

"No don't worry, I think I just need to use the restroom." Lauren said, getting out of the car quickly and running into the diner.

"Hi sorry can I use your restroom real quick?" Lauren asked the hostess.

"Yeah for sure! Just go straight and it's to your left."

"Thank you!" Lauren said as she ran to the restroom.

She opened the door and locked it behind her. Within seconds, she was hovered over the toilet, puking into the bowl. She thought that she was clear after two minutes, but she began to feel sick over and over again. After about spending ten minutes slumping over the toilet bowl, Lauren heard a knock on the door.

"Laur, it's Ayesha, it's been ten minutes, are you alright?" Ayesha said as Lauren went over to the door and opened it.

As Lauren opened it, Ayesha's eyes widened at how pale and sick Lauren looked.

"Lauren! Are you okay? Have you been throwing up?" Ayesha asked in a concerned tone.

"Yeah, it's been going on for about five to ten minutes." Lauren said, and began to felt sick again as she ran back to the toilet.

Ayesha ran towards her, holding Lauren's hair back as she vomited into the bowl.

"Is it something you ate?" Ayesha asked.

"I don't think so, I haven't been eating any junk, and I had a salad for breakfast, so it can't be anything that I've eaten." Lauren said.

"Well if it's not food, do you feel like you're physically sick?" Ayesha asked.

"I don't feel like I'm sick as in the flu kind of sick, but I just feel hungover and hungry. But I feel like if I eat, I'll throw up again." Lauren explained as Ayesha's eyes widened.

"Ummm Lauren, here's a far fetched question but when was the last time you and Klay slept together?" Ayesha asked.

"Two nights ago, the night when he proposed." Lauren said and before she could finish he sentence, her eyes widened as well.

"Shoot shoot shoot." Lauren rubbed her forehead and paced back and forth.

"What, what's wrong?" Ayesha grew even more concerned.

"I remember it clearly, I was drunk, but I remember it." Lauren said.

"He wasn't wearing any protection and I gave up birth control weeks ago." Lauren said as Ayesha's jaw dropped.

"Lauren, hun, I don't mean to scare you but, I think you're pregnant with a little Thompson in your tummy. And I know what you're feeling because I've been pregnant twice now. The signs you've been showing lead up to pregnancy." Ayesha said in a serious tone.

"That's why I kinda felt sick during Coachella yesterday, but I just thought I was dehydrated." Lauren said.

"That's a sign too. Oh my, Lauren, you need to take a test to confirm this once and for all." Ayesha said, growing excited.

"Ayesha, what if I am pregnant, what will Klay think? I feel like he'll completely ditch me and never speak to me again." Lauren cried out, tears brimming in her eyes.

"Shhh Laur, don't say that, I'm sure Klay will be more than happy. I know for a fact that he'll be shocked at first, but there is no way that he's gonna leave you." Ayesha said, pulling Lauren into a hug.

"I'll help you through this. Once we get to your house, we'll say we're going out to buy some food for tonight, and we'll just make a quick pit stop to the drug store and buy pregnancy tests. Then I'll bring you to one of my trusted doctors in Oakland on Wednesday, so that way while the men are at practice, we'll find out if there's a mini Klay in there. I'll be with you for support, you can count on me." Ayesha said, assuring Lauren that she is not alone.

Author's Note: A double update???? You guys, I am on a writing roll right now. Omgggg so Lauren may be the mother of Klay's baby👀👀👀👀👀how do you guys feel about this? Comment your thoughts! Also, please don't forget to show your support by voting and commenting! Hope you guys enjoyed this double update today! All love!❤️xoxoxoxoxoxo

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