Thirty-Seven || Wrong

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It was the weekend after all-star and Klay and Lauren were getting back into the swing of things. Lauren was back in LA for work and Klay was up in Oakland preparing for the second half of the regular season. It was Friday afternoon and Lauren was about to get on a private jet to Oakland. She then arrived to Klay's house, waiting for him to get home from practice. She did her usual thing, unpacking all her clothes and doing some cleaning around the house. She knew that she still had a couple hours to relax until Klay got home for their date night.

Lauren changed into a bikini and decided to sun bathe outside. She turned on the speakers and played Kendrick Lamar's new album as she sat in the lounge chair while reading a magazine. She furrowed her eyebrows as she saw an article about her and Klay.

Golden State Warriors guard, Klay Thompson, and supermodel, Lauren Hill, party it up in Bourbon Street with fellow NBA stars.

Lauren read the article as she saw the pictures that the paparazzi took of them in New Orleans. She was smiling as she saw all of the positive words being said in the article until she came across the end. Towards the end of the article, she saw the selfie that Kyrie posted of him and her at the club.

Can Lauren be having a secret affair with Kyrie Irving?

She read in big bold letters. Lauren sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Why do they always make stuff up." She sighed to herself.

Hey @.peoplemagazine, quit making up stories to get money, yeah?

Lauren tweeted in frustration. Within seconds, there were many likes, retweets, and replies to her tweet. She decided to not mind them and relax for the rest of the day. A couple minutes later, she heard the garage door open. She smiled as she got up from her seat, making her way inside to greet her boyfriend.

Klay's eyes widened as he saw Lauren.

"Uhhh hey." Klay said, his voice shaking.

"Hello to you too." Lauren laughed uncomfortably as she went in for a hug.

"What are you doing here?" Klay dodged Lauren's hug.

"Umm because it's date night?" Lauren raised an eyebrow and cocked her head to the side.

"Oh shit. You're right that's tonight." Klay said, face palming himself.

"Is everything okay?" Lauren asked confused.

"Yeah yeah, don't worry about it." Klay shrugged it off.

"Thompson, something's wrong." Lauren said crossing her arms.

"No everything's fine. Don't worry." Klay said, making his way back to the garage.

Lauren noticed something suspicious and followed Klay back to the garage.

"Who the hell is this?" Lauren yelled at Klay, as she saw a girl in the passenger seat of his car.

"Oh ummm, this is Kelsey." Klay said, pointing to the girl who was in his car.

"What the hell is she doing in your car?" Lauren said, getting red.

Klay stayed silent.

"Are you gonna answer me Thompson?" Lauren was getting annoyed with Klay.

"Umm she's...she's a friend." Klay said.

"Is she? Or is she a side hoe?" Lauren asked, growing impatient. Klay was silent once again.

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