Ninety-One || Drunk Draymond Wins

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Lauren and Klay woke up the next morning, doing the usual morning routine. Hopping in the shower, preparing breakfast for themselves and Addy, and getting ready for the day. Klay's mom was kind enough to offer to take care of Addy while the two head off to Los Angeles. Klay told Lauren that he was there to film a commercial, when really Draymond, him, and Steph planned a surprise party for her recent Vogue campaign.

Klay's mother arrived shortly after noon, as the two kissed their daughter goodbye, before getting into their Range Rover, and driving to the airport. Half an hour later, they got to the airport, and as usual, a private jet was awaiting them. The thirty minute flight to LA was short, the couple getting there at around one thirty.

"When's your commercial?" Lauren asked Klay as they got into the car service.

"Tomorrow morning." Klay lied, trying not to give anything away.

The car service dropped them off at The Fairmont Hotel, in Santa Monica. Paparazzi awaiting outside, but the two just kept their heads down and made their way to the lobby. They arrived at their presidential suite, overlooking the Santa Monica beach and pier. Lauren told Klay that she was going to freshen up, and as she was doing so, he went straight to his phone, to the group chat.

Dub Squad🤘🏻🔥👅

Baby Faced Stephanie: alright Dray and I met up with the owner of The Nice Guy and we've got the VIP booths booked for tonight. And KD, can you text PG and see what time his jet lands to LA

Durantula: sure

Money23DayDay: I say that we get bottles of champagne and pop them tonight

Javale: I say we don't

Money23DayDay: i say resign or you ain't part of this group chat anymore

Klay: I'll tell her that we're going out to dinner tonight so we'll all look hood

Klay: *good

Money23DayDay: smh autocorrect

Klay playfully shook his head as Lauren walked out of the bathroom.

"So what's the plan for today?" Lauren asked as she sat on her husband's lap.

"Well we have date night tonight, so we can just hang out at the pier for a couple hours?" Klay suggested as Lauren smiled and nodded.

They both got dressed into simple clothes, not wanting to be recognized. They both put sunglasses and baseball hats on as they made their way to the lobby. They exited through the back exit of the hotel where a car service was waiting for them. They got into the black escalade that took them to the Santa Monica Pier. They were dropped off at the entrance and the two tried to not draw any attention to themselves. They kept their hats and sunglasses on as they got in line to go on the Ferris Wheel. There were many people at the pier, but luckily no one recognized them quite yet. Lauren and Klay made their way to the end of the line, stepping into one of the carts for the Ferris Wheel. They took off and started their way up.

"Look at the view! It's amazing!" Lauren said as she leaned onto Klay's shoulder, him leaning his head on her head. None of them were going to post where they were on social media because they didn't want a crowd to form at the pier.

"Wow, look to the left." Klay said pointing towards the ocean. The two cuddled up against each other as the ride continued. The ride came to an end as they made their way out of the cart.

"Roller coaster time!" Klay jumped up and down as he pulled Lauren towards the line for the roller coaster. They waited in a short line until they found their seats at the front of the coaster cart. The cart took off, making its way up the tracks.

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