Sixty-Three || It's Yours

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"Alright, Lauren, are you ready for your results?" Doctor Mcdermott said as she entered the room with the paperwork in her hands.

"Now or never." Lauren took in a deep breath.

"There's a little baby in your stomach!" Taylor exclaimed.

"Oh, my gosh, really?! I'm gonna be a mom?!" Lauren said as her eyes widened.

"Yes! One hundred percent yes!"

"AHHHH LAUR! CONGRATS!!" Ayesha said as she jumped up and down, hugging Lauren.

"This is crazy." Lauren said, in disbelief.

"I hope to see you soon in about two months to see how you and your little one are doing." Taylor smiled.

"Thank you so much!" Lauren smiled from ear to ear.

"You're absolutely welcome! Congratulations!" Taylor exclaimed before hugging Lauren and Ayesha and heading out the door.

Lauren and Ayesha got back into the car and Lauren let out a relieved sigh.

"I can't believe there's an actual baby growing in my stomach." Lauren said, still shocked.

"You better believe it girlie! Oh my gosh I'm so happy for you!" Ayesha said as she looked over to Lauren.

"I just don't know how to tell Klay." Lauren sighed.

"I feel like the sooner you tell him, the better he'll take it and the more relieved you'll feel. If you wait until you've been pregnant for more than a month, I think he's gonna be more disappointed at the fact that you didn't tell him soon enough." Ayesha gave her advice to Lauren.

"You're right. I just hope he won't be mad and just ditch me. That's my biggest fear Eesh." Lauren said as she started to feel herself hold back tears.

"I don't wanna lose him." Lauren said as she felt the tears to start streaming down her face.

"Aw Laur, he won't leave you, I promise you that he will be there for you. He's so in love with you, and I'm sure he would be stoked to know that there's a mini one on the way." Ayesha said as she continued to drive.

"Are you sure?" Lauren said as she wiped the tears away.

"Positive." Ayesha smiled.

"Thanks Eesh." Lauren said as she was really thankful to have someone like Ayesha to look to when she needed help.

"Anytime girl, I'm always here for ya. Now let's go get some lunch and feed that lil Thompson in your belly." Ayesha smiled as Lauren returned one back.

Ayesha drove them to a small cafe in Walnut Creek. Thankfully, there were no photographers in sight. They parked and headed into the restaurant to get something to eat.

"I'm not ready for those weird food cravings along the way." Lauren joked.

"Oh no trust me you'll love them. I craved French fries and milkshakes with both Riley and Ryan. It's so fun, you can eat whatever you want and not get blamed for eating too much." Ayesha laughed.

"But also make sure to stay away from raw fish, alcohol, and anything raw pretty much." Ayesha warned Lauren.

They continued to chat as their lunch went along. As they finished, they both split the check and made their way out.

"Alright girlie, call me as soon as you tell him. Don't be nervous, he'll be ecstatic." Ayesha gave Lauren some words of encouragement before dropping her off at Klay's mansion.

"Thanks Eesh, I really appreciate it." Lauren smiled as she headed towards the front door.

"Bye Laur, love you!" Ayesha yelled as she rolled down her window.

"Bye Eesh, love you more!" Lauren yelled as she waved to Ayesha before entering the house.

Lauren was anxious to tell Klay, but she knew that she had to tell him. She waited for him to get home from practice as she gathered up the paperwork from the doctor's office to show Klay. She was chilling in the living room, watching TV while she waited for Klay. After two hours, she heard Klay coming in from the garage.

"Babe I'm home!" Klay yelled through the house as he set his duffle bag down along with his basketball shoes.

"Hi Thompson!" Lauren jumped up from the couch as she went up to her fiancé and gave him a quick kiss and a hug.

"How was practice?" Lauren asked as she wrapped her arms around Klay.

"Good. I'm worn out." Klay sighed.

"What do you wanna eat for dinner?" Lauren asked.

"Can we just order from postmates? I'm too tired to even go out." Klay chuckled.

"Yeah, I'll order salads?" Lauren asked as she picked up her phone, following a nod from Klay.

They watched TV as they waited for their postmates to arrive.

Klay and Lauren talked about their day and the playoffs as they ate dinner. They made their way upstairs, getting ready for bed as Lauren knew she had to tell him sooner or later.

"Hey babe." Lauren said as she took deep breaths.

"What's up?" Klay said as he looked over to her.

"Sit down babe, I have some news for you." Lauren sighed as she held the paperwork behind her back.

"What's behind your back?" Klay raised an eyebrow.

"I'm...I'm..." Lauren began as her voice started to shake.

Klay grew even more confused.

"Tell me babe." He said.

"I'm pregnant, and you're the father."

Author's Note: Lauren just dropped it on Klay👀how do you think Klay will react? Comment your thoughts! Happy hump day! Who's going to the Golden State Warriors championship parade tomorrow?? Please continue to show your support by commenting and voting! I appreciate you guys so much! All love! ❤️xoxoxoxoxo

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