Thirty || Babysitting for Number Thirty

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It's been about four days since Klay and Lauren got back from their lavish trip to New York. Things were back to normal with Klay going to practice and Lauren doing photoshoots here and there. Lauren was currently back in LA working, but she decided to take the weekend off and go up to Oakland to visit Klay.

She woke up at eight thirty that Friday to catch her private jet which took off at nine forty-five. She packed lightly, knowing that half of her stuff was already at Klay's place. She headed out her door and into the garage. Lauren got in her silver g-wagon and drove off to the airport. She got there half an hour later and parked in her usual parking spot at the airport car garage. She got out and entered the private terminal which took her to the private jet that was waiting on the tarmac. The pilot greeted her as she returned a smile. She got into the jet, immediately relaxing into one of the seats.

The short flight from Los Angeles to Oakland went by as the jet landed in the private terminal. She got off the jet and hopped onto a car service that will take her to Klay's house in Walnut Creek. She arrived at his house, knowing Klay was at practice so she pulled out the keys that Klay gave her to his house. Lauren unlocked the door and entered the house that she called her second home. She laughed and shook her head and she saw the mess Klay had in his kitchen. Empty milk cartons were left in the fridge, dishes in the sink, and half drunken water bottles on the counter. She cleaned up for him, knowing that if no one did it, the mess would've stayed there. Lauren took a sigh of relief after she cleaned the mess, and headed upstairs to their shared bedroom. She set her bag down and went to the bathroom to freshen up. Lauren texted Ayesha, knowing she had a day off too and invited her to come hang out at Klay's house.

Lauren: hey girlie! I'm in Oakland for the weekend and the baes are still at practice, so you wanna come over to Klay's place and hang out?

Ayesha: sure girl! Thank goodness you texted! I've been bored all day!

About fifteen minutes later, Lauren answered the door and greeted Ayesha.

"Hey Eesh! Long time no see!" Lauren said, giving Ayesha a big hug.

"Ahhh Laur! I've missed you!" Ayesha replied, returning the hug.

Ayesha and Lauren walked over to Klay's backyard as they changed into their swimsuits and lounged by the pool. They got their tan on as they chit chatted and caught up on life.

"How are the two kiddos?" Lauren asked Ayesha about Riley and Ryan.

"They are the two most adorable girls ever! Sometimes Steph and I wanna go out on a date night, but we never have anyone to watch the kids." Ayesha explained.

"Why don't you and Steph go on a date tonight and Thompson and I can watch Riley and Ryan?" Lauren suggested.

"It's your weekend off Lauren! Enjoy your man!" Ayesha resisted.

"No, no, don't worry about it! I'm here almost every weekend anyway." Lauren said.

"You're the best girl." Ayesha thanked Lauren.

They spent the next hour and a half tanning by the pool while gossiping.

Klay arrived as he walked to the backyard.

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