Liam and David.

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"Fuck!" I shouted as I climaxed deep within my mate's beautiful ass. As my cock swelled up to knot him my mate pouted looking down at his own hard cock. I had left him unsatisfied once again...

I didn't understand how the moon goddess paired us together. David liked it rough, really rough. So far the only time I had managed to make him cum was the first time we mated. He had commanded me to thrust into him without any preparation. I was terrified by the idea but David just looked unimaginably horny. For the life of me, I could not see why he had enjoyed it so much. It felt like I was tearing him in half at the time and he had bled a lot.

Freaked by the sight of blood, tried to pull out but David had begged me to keep going saying that he was so close. Needless to say, that kind of rough handling of my mate was not my cup of tea. David saw this and said we didn't have to do it without prep anymore but he still wanted it fast and hard. I felt much better about not tearing him in half but on many occasions such as tonight, I still couldn't satisfy my mate's need for pain.

I reached around to jerk my mate off but he just shook his head and sighed. He took his own member roughly in his hand and masturbated. I couldn't even jerk him off hard enough for his liking, just the thought of treating my mate poorly made my stomach turn. Hanging my head in shame as I waited for him to finish and my knot to go down.

"It's okay babe. It's not your fault I like it rough. If I wasn't such a weirdo I would be the happiest man in the world to have such a sweet mate." He said getting up when my knot finally released him.

His words had my heart breaking. "Your not a weirdo! You just like what you like. I'm sorry, as your mate I should give you the world but I can't even give you the one thing you want most."

A tear slipped down my cheek, consumed by self-pity. David rushed over to comfort me. "Liam no! Don't be like that. Sex is only a small part of our relationship. You still satisfy my heart. I don't need you to satisfy my body as long as I know you love me."

I smiled weakly at my love and wiped the tears from my eyes. "Really?"

"Of course babe. Now come take a shower with me?" He pleaded as he tugged on one of my large muscular arms. I almost wanted to laugh at the difference between the two of us. He was so small and dainty while I was at least three times his size and pure muscle.

Following his small round behind, it swayed teasingly in front of me as we headed for the shower. I quickly squashed any thoughts of a round two out of my mind. What was the point if he wouldn't even be satisfied?

I started the shower and was about to check the temperature but my little mate just jumped right in. He moaned as the spray assaulted his body. I moved my hand underneath to check the temperature myself knowing I couldn't judge it based on his reaction. Sure enough, it was scolding hot. I shook my head cranking the cold water knob until it was just warm and not flesh burning. David pouted but didn't say anything as I stepped into the shower behind him.

He turned to face me and grabbed the body wash from the ledge. Lathering his small hands in the thick blue gel began washing me. It wasn't in a sensual way. No different than how we would clean each other in our wolf form but my body still reacted. Looking away from my mate shamefully a hand made me jump when I felt it slip down to my hard member. I gently pushed it away and turned my back on him.

"Let me take care of it, Liam." He growled.

"Why should I be the only one to get 'taken care of'." I whisper.

David slipped his hands around my waist and laid his head against my mid-back. "I love you mate. I want to take care of you, just like I know you want to take care of me, the difference is I will succeed. So why should we both be miserable?"

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