Ox and Leo

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I sat quietly on the kitchen floor waiting for Ox to be done working and come visit. I didn't know why I did this everyday. When he did finally show up it would be to beat me up.
There was something in me that said to sit down and take the beating. I didn't know why, every time Ox' s fist collided into me I was in so much pain. Then someone would whisper, someone I always searched for but couldn't identify, this mystery person would whisper to me ' Just let it happen. At least he's touching us.' I would be confused but always decided to listen to the voice. Undernieth the pain there was some satisfaction, satisfaction of just being near Ox.

This time when Ox walked in I sat up as straight as my battered body could. I smiled weakly at him in hopes he would return it sincerely. No luck. Ox sauntered up to me with his usual evil smirk but this time it suddenly dropped from his face into a frown at the sight of me. I flinched wondering what I did to make him frown.

"No fucking way...." He mumbled.

I tilted my head to the side questioningly. I usually didn't get this kind of reaction from him. At this point he's teased me about being stupid and weak. Right about now his fist should be burried in my face. Instead he was studying me in wonderment.

"What the fuck dude? Why did you stop in the middle of the door?" Bryant, one of Ox's top warriors, grumbled rubbing his nose.

Ox surprised me by whipping around and growling at the man. Bryant cowered back at the terrifying noise as did I.

"Leave." Was all Ox said to him.

A look of confusion clouded his features. "Dude, I thought we came here to destress."

He nodded in my direction making it clear that he had planned on joining Ox today. This wasn't unusual most of Ox's top warriors, his beta and what ever she wolf was hanging around him that day, joined in the 'destressing'.

"Not today, get out." He growled menacingly

Bryant looked surprised at Ox's tone but backed out of the room anyways. Leaving Ox to turn back to me.

"You think this is a fucking joke?" He asked.

What? I didn't know what he was talking about. Confused I stupidly blurted that out. "I don't know what you mean."

He growled once more and stalked closer. I didn't back up that would only make him give chase. I learned that the hard way.

"Don't fucking play with me Leo. Your twenty seven. Don't sit there and tell me some bullshit. Are you a masochist? Is that why you didn't say anything all these years? Oh wait your just retar-" His words got cut off by his yelp of pain. He clutched at his chest and doubled over.

"What's wrong? Are you ok Ox?" I inched forward worriedly.

"No I'm not fucking ok! My fucking wolf is attacking me because of your dumb-." Another cry of pain interrupted his insult.

I wrung my hands together frantically. I didn't like seeing him in pain and didn't know what to do about it.

Open your mind. I will stop his wolf. The mysterious voice sounded louder than ever.

"How?" I asked out loud.

"What do you mean how! He is causing me pain through our connection. All because of you!" Ox answered thinking I was speaking to him.

Just push out with your mind. The voice commanded.

I did as I was told although unsure of how to do it. Suddenly morning just click and I could feel a searing pain in my chest.

Why? Why was I in so much pain?! I panicked.

Its the link to our mate. We can feel what he feels. I will tell his wolf to stop. The voice explained.

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