Griffin and Ura

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I looked down at my mate and wondered, what was wrong with me? We just met and here I was being rejected. He could have at least gotten to know me a little. Instead he was so sure he loved this girl more.

"Why? Do you have a problem mateing with me?" I asked starring him down.

"I just don't want to crumble under the conformaties of our species. We are told never to fight with each other  when we are young because anyone can be our mate when we come of age. Unmated capable wolves aren't even allowed to join our army in case our mate turns out to be our enemy. Even after we find our mate we are still not free. We are forced to be bound to that other person forever.I do not stand by these
restrictions. I want to be free to choose my own path. I choose Izzy." My mate laid out his argument in a very clear concise way. Too bad for him I was not as cold or clinical.

"WE ARE MATES! Anna is a human who will leave you for someone new when she gets tiered of you! I am sure to worship you my entire existence." I yelled in outrage.

Ura sighed and rubbed his face in exasperation. "Uhg! Griffin, I just told you all my reasons and all you can say is that we are mates? I just told you I didn't care about that."

"That's the only thing that matters! Even if you do choose Jenna over me I will still stay by your side." I decided stuborness was the way to go with my mate. When he saw how much I paid attention to and fawned over him he would see I was much better than Liz.

"You know her name! Stop acting like such a kid. I have to go pick her up now, thanks for wasting my time." With that Ura left.

I sighed. I quickly shifted into my wolf and fallowed my mates car to that evil bitches house. When I finally caught up the little home wrecker was already clinging to Ura.

"Ura, when will I meet your family? We've been dateing for like ever now and I still haven't been inside your house." I heard her squeek.

I had to chuckle at that. Ura would never bring her home. His parents would instantly put him on lock down. I was probably the only one outside of his friend group that new about her. His friends didn't say anything about it because they were close but even they looked at Haley in disdain.

"Well babe," I cringed at the endearment. "I don't think I'm ready to share you with my family yet."

What a lame excuse. Apparently she thought so too. "Tell me why! That can't be it. Your friends always act wierd around me. Am I like your dirty little secret or what?"

Yes bitch.

"No babe! I always go out with you in public and around my friends! Why would you say that?" He asked panicked.

"Yeah... but sometimes you don't answer my text or call and you have some weekends that your too busy to spend with me!"

All valid arguments. Dump him and let me get the rebound already!

"I'm telling you it's not true! I love you, there isn't anyone else." He promised.

I growled low at his words. With his hearing he heard but only a small flinch proved it.

"Really...? Prove it." She commanded.

"Anything, what do you want?"

"I want to have sex." She announced.

I let out a louder growl at that. No way was she taking my boys virginity!

"I thought we agreed to wait." He blushed. He was probably more embarrassed knowing I was listening. He had nothing to be embarrassed about though. It was comforting knowing he hadn't betrayed the mate bond completely.

"I don't care. All my friends think it's fishy that we have been together for three months and not done it." She complained.

"Why should it matter what your friends think? When I first brought it up you said that it was sweet." He whispered

"Well now I think it's wierd! Are you not attracted to me? Is that it?" She asked glaring at him.

I for sure didn't think she was. Compared to my mate she was trash.

"Fine we'll do it! Happy?" Ura finally relented.

I let out another growl. He flinched and looked into the forest. The only way to stop this would be to tell the pack.

I ran all the way home my blood boiling at what my mate planned. Once back at the pack house I quickly shifted and ran to the alphas office.

"Alpha! I know I said I would handle Ura on my own but now he has gone too far! He is planning on mateing another!" I shouted bursting into the office.

He looked up from the papers in shock at my sudden appearance.


"He wants to mate another. Do something please!" I begged.

"Wow. I knew he was... abstinent to say the least but to go this far for his ideals... this is madness! I swear I will do my best Grifin." Alpha Peter promised.

"Thank you."

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