Mal and Dallas

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My little mate was within my reach. All I had to do was step through that door and I would see him. His smell was so utterly intoxicateing I though I would cum in my pants just from that alone. I Palmer my raging hard on through my pants at the thought. What did he look like? Was he a small cute thing that would easily let me take him? Or was he a larger male who I would have to  fight tooth and nail to have but would win in the end taking him again and again, showing him pleasures he has never known? I shivered at both possabilities. Both would be enjoyable in their own right.

My mate was just through this door. The smell was blinding every other sense. I close my eyes and just enjoyed it for a moment. Was he on the other side smelling me and wondering why I haven't entered his room yet? Just sitting there enjoying my scent as I was enjoying his? Time to find out. Opening my eyes I turned the door knob. The door creeked loudly as I opened it all the way to reveal my mate. The man I would spend my existence with. It also revealed several other things to me all at once.

1) My mate was laying still, flat on his back. The rise and fall of his chest the only sign of life.

2) The sound of the heart monitor finally pierced my lustfilled haze.

3) My mate had every assortment of tubes and wires protruding from him.

Suddenly my eye saw red. Who had done this to him! They would pay with their lives. Death would be too quick a punishment. I would torture them untill they could take no more. I let out a menacing growl.

At that moment a woman steppe into the room in some kind of uniform.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know Mr. Winters had a guest. If you will excuse us it's time for his sponge bath." The lady said hinting that I need to leave.

This woman gave my mate sponge baths? She saw him naked? I growled low at the thought.

"I will take care of my mate from now on you may leave." I growled. No way in hell she was coming near him again. Even if she was just trying to care for him my wolf didn't like it one bit.

"Oh! Your his mate? In that case we have a lot to discuss." She replies seeming quite surprised.

"You can start off my telling me who the fuck hurt him!" I comanded.

"He was born with a rare condition. He wasn't supposed to live past five but his parents decided they couldn't let him die. He's been hooked up to these machines for the past thirteen years. I'm Kayla his nurse." She quickly explained fear clear on on her face.

"Well Kayla, your telling me my mate was born to die? Where are his parent?" I need to confirm her story.

"They only visit twice a year. On his birthday and Christmas." She answered.

"What kind of parents force their child to stay alive then only see him twice a year!" This situation was pissing me off more and more. Who would do such a thing to their child.

"They want to come more often but can't. The alpha moved the pack three years ago. Dallas couldn't be moved for fear he would die. His parents can only afford to come see him twice a year. They have to pay for the room, equipment, two other nurses and me." Kayla explained with a pained expression. "I truly feel sorry for them. Last year me and the other nurses used some of our salary to bring them here for thanks giving."

"Why didn't their Alpha let them stay?" I questioned.

"He couldn't afford to lose his head warrior and the pack doctor." She explained.

I nodded in understanding. It could almost be impossible to replace a pack doctor. Even his head warrior would be a big blow to the strength of the pack.

"You need to tell me how to care for him. He's my mate. I don't want another wolf touching or looking at him." I commanded.

"Yes alpha." She whimpers .

"Where do we start?"

"We will start with bathing amd changing him. Umm alpha... if you want to know how to take care of your mates health more thoroughly I have a suggestion but I'm not sure if you would like it..." She added.

"What is it? You know I will do amything." My reply was immediate.

"Go to nursing school."

I thought about it for a minute. I would have to go to a human school. As alpha of my pack I hadn't  been in contact with humans for years. I looked down at my mate and nodded. I didn't care how hard it would be. I had to make sure I knew how to take care of him in every way.

"You do realise your effectively helping me fire you?" I asked

"Your his mate. You need to be the one here, not me." Was all she said before handing me the sponge and bucket.

It wasn't hard to bath my little mate. He was so tiny. Probably from only eating from tubes for so long. I gently washed his longish blond hair. I wish I could look into his eyes. See there color.

"He has blue eyes like his father." Kayla answered seeming to read my thoughts. "You were looking at him so intensely. I thought you might like to know."

This woman was perceptive. I liked her.

We finished cleaning Dallas and Kayla went on to explain what every tube and wire was for. Hearing her explain how everything helped the most basic human needs depressed me. My mate would never laugh, walk around, smile, or know how much I loved him

"Thanks for everything Kayla." I gave her a small smile as she left. She informed me that Nurse Mary would be here to check on him shortly and to ask her anything I needed to know.

Life with my mate would be difficult but I would do it. I had to.

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