Wyatt and Beck

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I gave Beck a quick peck on the lips before heading out to meet James. My eldest had been increasingly moody since our last family meeting. I can do nothing for him though. It was Cole's decision in the end. No matter how much James begged and his brother pleaded he wouldn't hear it. My poor boy was so torn up that first night he crawled into mine and Becks bed as if he were a pup again. Needless to say three grown men didn't fit comfortably in our king  sized bed but we managed. Beck and I made a silent agreement that we would coddle our grown up pup until our wolves wouldn't allow it any more.

I saw James gaunt face and slumped over posture long before I reached him. His depression was worn proudly. I gave him a fatherly pat on the back and nodded my head towards the forest. We both removed our shorts and shifted without a word between us. Once in wolf form it was all instinct. I taught him by using myself as practice. At first he was much too loud, alerting me early on to his incoming attack. After a time he seemed to have been lightening up and actually having fun trying to pounce on me. Soon he did me proud and we were ready to hunt actual game.

I had him stay as still as possible assessing his suroundings with his sense of smell and hearing. I heard the shuffle of dear a second before he did but waited for him to catch on. Once he did nothing could stop him. He was off like lightning running through the forest to catch the enticing sound. The herd was small, three does and two fawns. I gave James the lead and waited to see how he would handle it.

He looked at me with uncertanty at first, at my confident nod he looked back to the deer. The wind shifted in the wrong direction and suddenly it was now or never. James saw this and pounced before our scent could hit them. My boy took down one of the larger ones making it almost look easy. I wasn't too far behind taking down one of my own.

we both shifted back and I gave him a proud smile. He was glowing with pride, it had been days since I'd seen him smile a real smile.

"Well son? How's your first day on the job?" I chuckled, my normally mellow son was practically vibrating with excited energy.

"That was amazing. So thrilling! Nothing can beat the feeling of taking down your own kill!" He gushed.

I laughed. I had felt that way at first too. "Your wrong son."

He tilted his head in confusion.

"Two things beat this feeling. First one being, bringing the kill home to your mate." I grinned at him and hoisted the deer onto my shoulders.

His smile widened so much I thought his face would split. With some struggle he got his own kill hoisted onto his shoulder.

"I can't wait to give it to Cole!" He would have sprinted all the way home if he had the energy.

"That's right James, you should be proud to bring that deer back to him. She's a beauty especially for your first kill. You made me proud today son." I had to reaffirm my love for James as much as possible before my wolf started rejecting him.

"Thanks dad!"

We broke through the tree lines to see Beck, and to my surprise and James' joy, Cole waiting.

"Look at our men bringing home the bacon!" Beck squeeled running to meet us. Cole following somewhat shyly behind.

"Well you know babe with you as my mate I can only bring home the best." I smugly layed down my kill for Beck to admire.

"And James? What do you have there for Cole?" Beck asked him trying to bridge the gap between the two errant  mates. "Oh Wyatt! I told you to give James a chance to do it himself. He's never going to learn at this rate."

I laughed at Becks assumption that I had killed both deer and gave James one to look good. I put my hands up in surrender.

"That was all our sons doing. I did nothing at all. He's just a natural like his daddy." I gloated.

"Wow Cole! Your wolf must be purring by now." Beck turned to the small boy who was now blushing fiercely as he looked up at James through his lashes.

James smiled softly at him as he laid the kill at his feet. "For you."

Cole's blush deepened before turning to Beck for instruction.

"Go get your brothers." Beck ordered, showing him mercy.

Cole sped back to the house to call the boys for dinner. While Beck turned back to us.

"You look like you enjoyed yourself Jame."

"I did! It was so much fun. I thought it was the best but dad told me otherwise."

"Oh? What is the best then dear husband?" Beck asked me confused.

"I told him two things beat the hunt. The first is bringing the kill home to your mate." I smirked at Beck waiting for him to ask the obvious.

James chimed in. "Oh yeah! You did say two things, what's the second?"

"Why mateing of course." I pulled Beck into my chest and gave him a passionate kiss until I heard a loud 'ewww' from Jamie.

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