Hunter and Tristan

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I was kind of nervouse to meet him. I heard he was very beautiful. I hope he liked me, I needed him to. My father was very disapointed in me for not being mated yet. All I wanted was for someone to love me as much as I'll love them. If they are beautiful that's just a bonus. Looks aren't even on the list of things I want in a mate.

I already know I would do anything for my mate. All they would have to do is just say the word. I hope Tritan says yes. Who am I kidding, no one I've met so far has said yes. What was wrong with me? I was strong and reliable. Some say it's because I'm a pushover but isn't that better than controlling every little thing?

I sighed as I walked towards the biggest pack house I had ever seen. Why would they need so much space? Just then a man walked out, he sort of resembled Lindon my pack leader except he was a lot less handsome.

"Hello Hunter, my name is Adonis. Tristan sent me to guide you to him." He says smiling.

I sighed in relief. This was not Tristan, not that his looks mattered but this man was huge. A head taller than me at least.

"Thank you Adonis, that was very kind of you." I reply as he leads me towards the house.

"How are you related to Tristan?" I ask not liking the awkward silence.

"I am his third eldest brother." He answers grufly.

"Oh, how many brothers does he have?"


"Wow, five boys, your father was never wanting for an heir. Who runs the pack now? Your father or one of you? No wonder you have such a large main house you guys must have needed a lot of space. It must have been nice growing up in a big family. I on the other hand am an only child."

"Our sister Arabella is the current alpha. Although that may not be for long." He mumbled the last part but I still caught it.

I decided to ignore the comment. "What of your father?"

"Dead, poisoned actually." He said not missing a beat. "Although the doctors would say heart attack."

"If the doctor said heart attack... shouldn't you believe them?" I ask cinfused.

"Sure, whatever you say." He replied with a smile.

I decided to stop talking then. We walked for a little longer before I let out an 'oof' when a little body came crashing into my legs.

"Sorry!" The small girl yelped as she realized she had ran into Someone.

"Martina! You better stop running around the halls or else I'll tell Tristian, or Arabella when I know she's been drinking." Adonis says threatening the child.

"No! You wouldn't! I'm sorry mister. Please don't tell, Adonis! I won't run anymore." She pleaded.

"There was really no harm done. Will you let her off with a warning?" I cut in pleading for the girl.

"Ok Tini, just this time since Tristan's mate said so." He relented.

"Tristan's mate? This guy?" Martina says looking up at me wide eyed.

"Don't be rude. His names Hunter. Hunter, this is Tristains favorite sibling Martina, we call her Tini though." Adonis introduces.

His favorite huh? I better get on her good side.

"Hello there Martina, may I call you Tini?"

She blushes at the attention but nods vigorously.

"How would you like to come with me to see Tristian? You can show me the way." I say in an overly excited tone.

This has the opposite effect of what I expected. She glared at me while crossing her arms.

"I am not five, I'm ten, and Tristian will tell you I'm a twenty year old trapped in a ten year olds body." She announces looking up at me defiantly.

Adonis chuckled at my shocked expression while cheering her on. "Tell him Tini!"

"Well then, I'm sorry little lady. I won't try to speak down to you again. Now can we be friends?" I ask apologetically.

"Hmm..." she strokes her chin as if pondering it for a moment. "I guess."

"Thank you. Lead on littl lady. Or... would you rather have a piggy back ride? Oh wait, I almost forgot, your not a child." I say smiling down at her.

"No I'm not, but I am small and piggy back rides are for everyone." She says while jumping onto my back.

"Ok, ok, your a clever one I'll go you that." I say in defeat. This girl was just too smart.

"Oh and by the way, if you thing getting me to like you will make Tristan like you... your not wrong."

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