Rowan and Angelus

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*sadly Lance and Sarvis' story had come to an end😢 but like all my other couples they may come back.😊 Pease enjoy.*

"Rowan!" My little Angel shouts as he jumps into my arms.

"Yes my Angel?" I cooed as I rubbed my face into his silky blonde hair.

He looked up at me with tear filled eyes and my heart dropped a mile.

"What is wrong my sweet? Who made you cry?" I growled the last part. Whoever made my mate cry was going to pay with their life.

"Brighten won't let me play outside." He whined.

I sighed. I hated having to make Brighten look like the bad guy but I refused to get on Angelus' bad side. It was me that told Brighten not to let my Angel outside unless I was with him. It was more for Brighton safety than Angelus'. I didn't want to blow up at him every time Angelus tripped and scraped his knee.

I had appointed Brighten as Angelis' personal gaurd since he was the only one I would ever trust with my mates  life. It was hard running the pack and not seeing my Angel all day, I needed to know he was safem

I trusted Brighten to protect my baby for two reasons. One: he was mateless.
This meant he had no stronger ties to anyone else. He wouldn't rush off while watching my mate to check on his own. Some people may think him being mateless was a bad thing. That he might go after my mate. Reason number two makes that impossible.

The second reason for my trust in Brighten is that he doesn't have a Dick... or balls for that matter. He's a rouge wolf which means he was kicked out of his pack for going against his alpha. To insure the safety of his pack an Alpha may choose to remove the ex-pack members genitles so they cannot breed. Most packs don't give rouges a second chance and refuse to let them enter but I didn't care about his past. It was irrelevant to me. A personal issue between him and his Alpha is what got him kicked out we don't have that problem.

I looked down at my saddened mate and kissed his nose. "How about I take you outside?"

His eyes brightened up imeadiatly. "Really? Yes!"

He hopped out of my arms and ran to get his shoes on like an excited little kid. Brighten peaked into the room to give me a look of loathing before rushing after my mate. He hated when Angelus was pissed at him. If his charge was unhappy in any way he pretty much made his job hell for the day.

I chuckled as I heard Angelus order him to reach for a pair of shoes on the top shelf.


On our walk Angelus was everywhere. He would rush from place to place so fast that I couldn't keep up. I let him run ahead a bit but still kept him in sight. Brighton hung back with me since he didn't have to pay too much attention with me around.

"Alpha, I know this isn't my place but I think you should have sex with Angelus." He suddenly announce.

I spit out the water I had been drinking. "Where is this coming from and why the fuck do you think you have any say in it?!"

He flinched at my harsh tone but didn't back down. "Over the past six months I've devoted myself to protecting Angelus. We have become friends Rowan. As such he talks to me about things. He's ready. He wants to mate you."

I glared at him then abruptly snapped my head back in the direction of my mate as  he cried out in pain. From the looks of it he had fallen out of a tree. I sent Brighten one last glare for distracting me then ran off to help my mate.

When I got to him he was sobbing in pain. I bent down and scooped him up into my arms. "Shhh... baby it's ok. I'm sure your fine. Let's go inside, I'll get you patched up."

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