Wyatt and Beck

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"Ewww! You and dad still have sex?" Jamie cried out in disgust.

James shared Jamie's look of disgust. Connor and Cole shared an identical giggle. At the sound of his mates laughter James snapped his head in Coles direction. He smiled softly at the sound not having very many chances to hear it.

"Anyways! Now that I'm pregnant again your father and I are going to act a bit differently. James seeing as you are no longer a pup he'll see you as a threat. It won't be too bad but he won't hunt for you anymore. So before that happens he's going to teach you how. Also I might get more protective over the other boys so if I growl at you from time for time don't get too offended." Beck continued to explain.

James looked pissed. "What the heck! You called us for this "meeting". Then you all of a sudden say your having another pup. Then all of these  changes only effect me!"

I growled in warning at him. I would not have him raising his voice to me or Beck no matter the situation. He was even scaring Cole.

"James, calm down your scarring Cole." I kept my voice low for Cole's benefit.

James head snapped back to Cole to witness his mate hiding his face in Connors chest. The anger left him and was replaced by a sorrowfilled look.

"I'm sorry Cole. I didn't mean to yell." He didn't make a move to get closer to him though. It has been a month since  I found Cole and he still refused James' advances.

"Now son, I know it's going to be hard to deal with everything at once but your an Alpha. You have to learn this stuff eventually it's just happening a little sooner for you." I was an only child I hadn't needed to learn to support myself until I was twentyone.

"I understand that dad but you guys are really just suddenly going to stop being my parent's to make room for your next pup?" James was a strong boy but I knew when he needed a hug and someone to comfort him. At his age it should have been his mates job but seeing as that wasn't happening I pulled him into my arms. I felt bad for doing this to him so suddenly and I knew he was only getting mad because of how stressedbhe he was about Cole.

"After our wolves calm down it will all go back to normal. It's only going to be for the first year then you can play with the new pup and move back into the house." I assured him.

"Wait what?" He suddenly stepped away and looked up at me questioningly.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"What do you mean "move back into the house". You never said I had to leave the house!" He began to raise his voice but stopped with one look at his trembling mate.

"Well... after and even a bit before your papa has the pup my wolf will be extremely territorial. It won't allow another Alpha male in the house."  I explained.

"And where will I go?" James asked looking lost.

"That's what the cabin in the forest is for. Your papa and I weren't really planning on having another pup but there is nothing we can do about it now. I'm sorry James but this has to be done." I told him firmly.

He looked as if he were going to cry then looked over at his mate. "What about Cole? I can't leave him."

Now that was something me and Beck hadn't thought of. If they were a normal mated couple it would be no problem to have Cole move in with James. But they weren't.

"That would have to be up to Cole."

James looked at Cole pleadingly while Cole peaked his head out from Connors chest.

"What do you mean." Cole asked softly.

Beck turned to him and explained. "Well Cole, you have to decide if you want to live with James in the cabin or not."

"Do I have to?" He asked. James looked heart broken.

"No... you don't have to. But I want you to. I love you. I don't think I'll be able to stand a year of not seeing you everyday. Please Cole, just do this one thing for me. Nothing will change, I'll still leave you alone. Please, just live with me." James begged his mate not to break his heart further.

"Do it." Connor suddenly spoke up.


"I don't care. Do it. He's your mate and he loves you. He wont hurt you. I know you love him too. Think about how sweet and patient he's been. Do you really think he would take advantage of you?" Connor argued.

"No... but normally  there are always people around. If I move into the cabin with him... it would just be us."

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