Ox and Leo

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I watched Ox as he looked at all the clothes I had just finish trying on. It was exhausting having to change in and out of all those clothes but Ox seemed happy so I didn't complain.

"This just looked weird on you so I'm not buying it..." He continued mumbling to himself while seperateing the clothes until they were in two piles.

"Ox? Do I really need all those? Can't I just wear your cloths?" I asked while taking in the scent of the sweater Ox had draped over me before we left the house. It was huge but that just made it more comfortable. Like Ox had given me a big hug. I sighed at the thought and sniffed the sweater some more.

"Stop doing that! I get it but you can't do those things in public people will look at you funny." Ox yelled smacking the sleeve away from my face.

"Why can't I wear your sweaters instead of all these clothe?" I whined.

"Honestly if it were up to me I would make you wear only my sweater to tell others who you belong to. Too bad you still need clothes of your own to go out in public like we are now." He sighed picking up one of the piles of clothing "Let's go home."

"Ok Ox." I agreed happy to finally be going back. I didn't like being out of the kitchen for so long. I guess Ox's room wasn't too bad either but all I wanted to do now was curl up and sleep in my corner.


Once home I went straight for my kitchen but a hand on my shoulder suddenly jerked me back.

"Where do you think your going?" Ox asked with one brow raised.

"Oh sorry! I should have asked permission first. May I go to sleep Ox? Being around all those strangers made me tired." I explained as a yawn escaped me.

"Fine I'll nap with you until dinner time, let's go."

"Your going to sleep with me? But don't you have your own bed? I saw it. It was big and looked so comfortable. Why would you want to sleep on the kitchen floor with me?" That was stupid. If I had a bed I would probable fall asleep from just sitting on it! I couldn't even imagine such luxury and comfort.

"You are so stupid. We are going to lay down on my bed. You won't be allowed to sleep in the kitchen anymore. You have a mate now idiot." He replied rolling his eyes as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"What! I get to sleep on your bed? But you never let me on the furniture before." I couldn't believe it.

"Like I said we are mates now so I'm going to treat you differently. Now let's go to bed." Ox said walking up the stairs. Once in his room Ox put all the clothes away then stripped down to his boxers before getting under the covers.

He looked at me expectantly since I was still standing in the middle of the room.

"You coming?"

I felt my cheeks heat up and quickly nodded but still didn't move.

"What's wrong?"

"Umm... do I have to sleep in my underwear like you?" I was a little embarrassed by the idea especially since the shower this morning.

"Only if you want to be comfortable. If you want you can keep my sweater on and just take off  your jeans." Ox suggested.

I liked that idea the best. After takeing off my pants I thanked God for Ox's sweater. It was so big on me it came down to past my knee.

"Aww, you may be a retard but at least your freaking adorable." Ox commented as  he climbed into bed.

I layed on the bed a bit stiff and awkward at first but then suddenly Ox put his arm around me and pulled me flush against his chest.

"What's the point of sleeping with you if we aren't going to at least cuddle. Your lucky you have the brain of a six year old or else I would have fucked you as soon as we entered the room." He mumbles into my hair.

I blushed bright red but settled into his arms. Almost instantly with how comfortable the bed was and how safe I felt in Ox's arms I started to fall asleep.

"Maybe having you for a mate won't be too bad. I did ask the moon goddess for someone I could take care of and protect after all. I just didn't think she would take it this far." Ox Sighed.

I was practically asleep so I couldn't have been sure he really said it but the words made me smile faintly before I passed out.

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