Rowan and Angelus

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Pups POV

I was chasing my brother down a hall we never been in before. We ran for what felt like forever until I slamed right into a door. All three of us looked up at the closed door. I took a deep sniff like mama showed me. The smell of the door seemed familiar and unfamiliar all at once. My brothers were being nosy as usual and scraping at it already. Soon they were tumbling into the room as someone one opened the door. All three of us instantly recognised a person we obviously needed to submit to. To my embarassment I actually wet my self.

The large man bent down and picked me up. Holding me against his chest he held me in an attempt to calm my nerves. Then suddenly I was being dropped as if I had bit him. What did I do wrong? I looks up at the man with the puppy eyes I always gave mama. That always worked. The man wasn't  paying attention though he was looking at the door instead. I looked over too and saw mama glaring at him. What was wrong? I decided to go over and comfort mama. My brothers didn't seem to care or understand that mama is really sad. I always can tell and do my best to make her feel better.

I rush over hoping to do just that. Mama instantly bends down to pick me up but doesn't stop there, she picks up my brothers as well.

"Come on pups, we don't belong here."  Mama growled trying to contain her anger.

"Angel..." the strange familiar man whispered.

"Did you need something alpha?" Mama spoke through clenched teeth like when he's about to cry.

"A-are those..." the man didn't finish his sentence just looked down at me and my brothers.

"It doesn't matter to you either way but yes these are your 'mistakes'." Mama gritted out.

"Go." The man ordered his features hardening.

"Gladly." mama replied closing the door behind him as he carried us away from the man.


Angelus POV

I had given up on trying to convince Rowan I needed him. It took exactly three weeks of begging for my heart to break as Rowan continued to reject his pups. Seeing him after three months had me shook. How did the pups get to his office! They were carefully watched by Brighton... did he...?

"Brighton! Why were my pups in his office?" I seethed as I walk into the room Brighton was supposed to be carrying for the pups in.

"I don't know Luna. They were only out of my sight for a moment while I went to get thier snack." Brighton replied while gesturing to the food he had set out. It was only ever 'Luna' now. He never used my first name anymore.

Was I even Luna anymore? How could I be when I havent seen my alpha in three months? "How did the pups get into the main wing of the house then?"

"They are rather mischivious maybe they found their own way." Brighton suggested but I still wasn't buying it.

I had to let it go though since there was no solid proof that he had let them into the main wing. I quickly put the pups down so they could eat the scraps of meet Brighton had prepaired. I frowned at the scene. This should have been Rowan looking down at the pups fondly as they ate not Brighton. I looked over and noticed one of my pups wasn't eating. Instead she was giving me her best puppy eyes and looking at the door that led to the main wing. I knew what she wanted. I wanted it too. To see him speak to him, touch him. I had to physically stop myself by walking over to the couch and sitting on my hands. My eldest pup seemed to understand how I was feeling because as her brothers ate she walked over and butted her head against my shin. I quickly picked her up into my lap. She snuggled in seemingly trying to comfort me. I smiled down at her antics. I was doing a bad job as a mother of my pup was trying to comfort me.

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