Rowan and Angelus

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I looked down at my beautiful pups as they snuggled together in there crib. Until they turned one they would stay in wolf form. I looked past them to see Brighten walk into the room with a sour look on his face..

"Where's Rowan?" I asked hopefully.

He shook his head in digust. "He's not coming. He says he's never coming."

I felt the burn of tears at his words. "W-What do you mean? 'Never coming', he can't stay away from me or the pups. I know he'll show up."

"No. I'm sorry Angelus, he told me that it would have been better for you to have an abortion. He called the pups an abomination."

A strangled gasp left me as I heard these horrifying things. Our pups were an abomination? H-He didn't want them?

"I'm sure he will change his mind! He has to... I felt him through the link the entire time I was in labor, he was sending me his strength and energy. I know he still loves me!" 

"He said he knows how you feel about him now. That you fear him, don't let him touch you... I don't know if l the damage can ever be repaired. I think part of its my fault, not just with helping you carry out your plan but also just now when I went to talk to him. I think I made things worse." Brighten confessed.

"What do you mean? How?" I had to stay calm. There was no way Brighten could have made the situation worse.

"I told him.. I told him he should stop punishing you for his mistakes." Brighten looked away from me in shame.

"How could you say that to him? It was all my fault Brighten! And I would like both you and my mate to know that any 'mistake' that helped create my beautiful pups was no mistake at all!" I growled not knowing where I found the strength to even do that much after my exhausting time birthing my three perfect pups. "Make sure to let him know his 'mistskes' are waiting to be named. I don't have the authority according to the doctor."

"Yes Luna." Brighten left the room with a low bow.

I felt bad for making him revert to my title. He never calls me Luna unless it's serious.

I looked back at my pups as tears slid down my cheeks. I knew this was all my fault. If I had acted better after that incident he wouldn't feel the need to stay away. After it happened I was terrified of his wolf, not Rowan. I new Rowan would never hurt me.

I just wanted him back! Not seeing him for the past eight months killed me. Every time the baby kicked or I just wanted someone to hold me... there was No one to turn to and get excited with or be comforted by. I needed my Rowan.

A few minutes passed before Brighten showed up again, still no Rowan.

"What happened.?"

Brighton looked pale, his face stuck in a look of shock.

"He's not nameing them..."

"He can't do that! If the Alpha doesn't name them... He's going to make my pups rouges from birth!" I couldn't believe my ears.

There was no way Rowan would do such a thing. I had to speak with him.
I began to raise but was pushed back down by Brighten.

"You are too weak to do anything now. Stay well rested for the pups sake. You have a few years before the pack rejects them. You have time Angelus , don't be hasty." Brighten begged.

I nodded slowly. "Leave me with my pups Brighten."

As soon as he left the room I couldn't help the sob that broke through.

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