Elliot, Kaden, Charlie, Jade and Harley

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Today was the day. I didn't know exactly who my mate would be since there were four pack members with the same birthday as me but at least I knew it would be one of them. This has happened before when there were four people with the same birthday two boys and two girls. They were each paired up nicely.

The other four who shared my mating day were all guys and honestly? Any of them would do. First there was  Elliot, he was the alpha's son. He exuded such power and dominance I would happily bend over for him. Kaden was a sweetheart, he loved pampering people and showing affection. Jade was all 'misterious loner'  with sexy piercings included. Lastly there was Harley. He was a play boy and a sex addict but undernieth I knew he was just scared.  I was a little scared myself. I'm sure we all were. There were five of us. One of us would end up mateless tonight.

I quickly checked myself in the mirror one last time making sure I looked impecible. I had decided on a light blue collared  shirt and butt hugging grey jeans. When I stepped out of my room I was met with the excited yet fearful faces of my four best friends. Usually when wolf pups are born on the same day as another they are kept together their whole lives since everyone already knows they will be mates. For us it was just a matter of knowing who would be mated to who.

"You ready babe?" Elliot asked looking me up and down and nodding in approval at my outfit.

"I hope so. Guys I just want you to know that I'd be happy with anyone of you... and if I'm the one left out, I still hope we can stay best friends." I let out a shaky  breath.

"Aww Charlie! Of course honey bun." Kaden exclaimed pulling me into his chest.

"As lovely as this is, I would like to get this over with so I can go back to my room and sleep." Jade sighed.

He was the super sinical type. Our whole time growing up together he believed he would be the one left out. Harley always did his best to make him feel 'loved' when he would get really bad.

"Ok let's go." Harley ordered while giving Jade a peck on the lips causing him to blush.

We made our way to where the ceremony was taking place. There was a huge altar and an elder stood on it with the mateing book in his hands. Every one smiled excitedly at us as we stepped down the isle. I heard whispers of 'happy mating day'. I smiled and nodded to the crowed.

We reached the alter and looked up at the elder with baited breath.  Elliot took my hand and Kaden's hand while I grabed Jade's and Kaden grabbed Harley's. Suddenly a thought occurred to me. I loved all my friends equally but tonight would reveal who I loved the most. We had always joke about 'who's your favorite' but now we would really know.

"Hello, friends family and pack members who are gathered here today to witness yet another of the goddesses miracles of life, the mateing ceremony. From this day on two shall become one and never will they split. To Anyone who seeks to tarnish their mate bond, may the moon goddess strike you down."

Everyone clapped and quickly settled down for the next step.

"The first born, in this case Elliot born three hours ahead of Jade, step forward and place a drop of blood into the pages of the mating book." The elder ordered.

Elliot let go of our hands to step into the altar. The elder held out the dagger for Elliot to take. He gave himself a small cut on the palm of his hand and let it drop on to the open pages of the book.

One by one the process was completed. Jade went next then me, Kaden and finally Harley. Once all the blood was collected the elder closed the book.

"When I open the book again the pages will no longer be blank. Instead you will each see what you are supposed to see, the name of your one true mate. There are five of you so this means one of you will only see a blank page. For that I am sorry. If only Harley had been born a minute later am I right?" The elder joked. No one laughed causing him to caugh  awkwardly and continue the service.

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