Mathis and Arlo

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"Nora slow down!" My mate shouted after our youngest pup. Well soon to be second youngest after Arlo gave birth to our fifth child. I reminded myself as I wrapped my arms around my beautiful mate. His belly was growing larger by the day. Only two weeks left now.

As I caught sight of our eldest chasing after his little sister I remembered how our mateing started. It had been eventful to say the least but after a year of showing Arlo nothing but my utmost devotion (without trying anything sexual of course) he finally understood just how serious I was about him and that I would never use him or abandon him like his family. Once he willingly excepted my feelings I was happy to tell him all about the mate bond and what kind of being I really was. He was shocked and understandabley terrafide at first but he only locked himself in the bathroom for an hour before I convinced him he was safe. I let out a chuckle at the now found memory.

"What are you laughing at boo?" He asked scowling at me. Even after all these years he was still insecure, always jumping to the conclusion that he was being laughed at not with.

"I was just remembering our first year." I explained.

Arlo pouted cutely before replying. "Could you not laugh? It's not my fault! My psychiatrist already explained to you I have deep abandonment issues."

"Babe, I would never make fun of you for that. I was just laughing about how you locked yourself in the bathroom that first day you found out what I really was." I said trying to calm him down. He always got a bit defensive when it came to his mental state back then. I could understand why but he didn't need to feel defensive around me.

"Oh... I guess that was pretty funny considering you could have just ripped the door of the hinges that whole hour you tried to get me to come out." He sighed at his past self.

"And scare you more? I'm sure you would have just loved that." I rolled my eyes at the mental image of him reacting to me pulling a door from its hinges.

"I guess not at the time.. but I don't know... Now when I see you training I get so turned on. Maybe the old me would have found it a little sexy seeing you rip a door apart to get to me." He smirked knowing exactly what he was doing to me.

"No babe. Your almost ready to pop, I don't want your water breaking while we are in the middle of doing it. That's the reason I ended up having to deliver Tia." I tried my best to sound firm but his adorable pout was drawing me in.

"But baaaabe, you haven't touched me in two weeks." He begged.

"Not happening." I turned away from him not wanting to crumble beneath the look he was giving me.

"Hmm... I guess I'll just have to find someone to take care of my needs then since you won't." Arlo began to saunter off in search of the the imaginary person. They would have to be imaginary for them to actually think they could touch an Alpha's pregnant mate.

"Fine but don't come back whining to me when your right hand isn't enough." I yelled after him.

The kids all looked my way wondering what daddy was saying. Arlo blushed profusly. "Mathis! Don't yell that kind of stuff in front of the children!"

"Daddy, why isn't papas right hand enough?" Our eight year old Lara asked tugging on my shirt for attention.

I saw Arlo blush even darker and I smirked. "Well you see pumpkin-"

I began to pretend to explain further but right on cue Arlo cut me off. He always hated when I gave the kids too much information. I would start some thing like this just to piss him off or in this case distract him, then I would leave the confused and possibly scared for life child with Arlo while I lied about having to attend some alpha duty. Poor Arlo had to go to great lengths to get the kids to stop asking about it after I left.

This time he cut me off immediately not wanting to deal with it. "Mathis if you say one more word you will be begging me for sex for the next ten years."

I laughed and bent to tell Lara to go play. Walking over to Arlo I wrapped my arms around him in apology. "Sorry babe. Still not having sex with you."


A few minutes later I regretted not sticking to my word. We hadn't done more than some intense foreplay when suddenly Arlo was in labor.

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