Mason and Aiden

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"Make way for your alpha!" Lane one of my top warriors shouted as we entered the premises.

We were going through every sub pack under my control to find my mate. The pack was getting worried since my 25th birthday was approaching and they still had no Luna.

"Everyone in line now!" Lane shouted.

I heard whispers of "It's the Alpha." And "Why is he here?"

Ignoring them, I waited for Lane to make  the announcement.

"Your Alpha is searching throughout his territory for the one that is his. Every unmated man woman and child shall be in attendance or the entire pack will be punished! Is that understood!"

"Sir, yes sir." Came the group's reply.

This was the third sub pack I had searched for my mate so it was starting to become routine.

"Everyone in an orderly fashion, form a single file line! Start at warrior Mika." Lane announced pointing out the young warrior.

There were about thirty unmated members of this sub pack so it took some shuffling but eventually they formed somewhat of a line. Some of the female members were pushing to get a good look at me and giggling to their friends when they did.

I was told I was handsome all the time so that didn't surprise me. I had golden blond hair and the brightest silver eyes. Almost as if the moon had taken up residence in them.

"First up! What is your name miss?" Lane asked the first lucky lady in line.

"Robin." She chirped.

"Her name doesn't matter. She's not my mate." I told Lane in a bored tone.

"Next!" Lane shouted. Neither of us giving the girl a second look. The girl pouted but walked away.

The second person to step forward was a rather large man, and thank the goddess he wasn't my mate. Not that he wasn't handsome just not exactly my type. I was about to say so when I was interrupted by Mika.

"Sorry Alpha, this one can't be your mate." Mika said smiling up at the man.

I knew he wasn't but played along anyways. "Oh why not ? I find him rather attractive."

Mika laughed at my playful tone and took the larger man's hand. "That's just too bad then, because he's mine."

"Hello mate I'm Gregor."

"Mika. Do you mind waiting over there until I'm done here?" Mika asked.

"I waited twentythree years what's a few more minutes." The man laughed. He seemed to be playful and fun. Just perfect for the fun loving Mika.

"If you two are done flirting I'd like to try my hand at finding a mate. So glad these little trips have worked out for  so many  members of my gaurd though." I joked.

The rest of the line was uneventful. Until the last woman stepped forward. I was a little confused by this one. She was clearly taken, so what was she doing in line?

"Alpha." She greeted with a bow.


"I have a son but he could not get into line." She answered bowing her head once more. She was severely submissive.

Ugh omegas.

"Why was he not able to get in line." I asked annoyed.

She bowed once more. "Forgive him Alpha. He is not well in the mind."

What was the point of going to see this omega? There was no way the goddess would give me a mentally challenged mate.

The old woman must have saw my thoughts on my face for she was quick  to speak. "Please Alpha. My son swears that someone important is near and that, that... hmm well he said  'the pretty lady told him so.' I don't really understand it but he needs to see you."

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