Quinton and Prewitt

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I touched the boys bare thigh sighing in content at the smooth feel. He was a bit young, him being eighteen and me thirty, but I'm sure the goddess paired us correctly. The sleeping boy rolled over towards me. He was exhausted after our mateing. I didn't blame him. My cock hardens at the thought of all that we did the night before.

I ignore it for his sake and held him close to try to sleep through it. He nuzzles into my chest. God he was wonderful. Maybe I should just wake him?

I gently stroked his cheek. He pushed closer to my hand smiling  in his sleep. I ran my hand from the back of his knee up his thigh hoping that would do the trick. He shivered but stayed asleep. This was not going fast enough.

"Baby?" I whispered in his ear pressing my hard on against his thigh.

He stirs this time and smiled sleepily up at me. "Mmm daddy?"

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