Heart and Graviel

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Please moon goddess, show me my true mate before my parents force me to marry for their convenience. I prayed to my goddess futilely.

In one week I was to marry the Alpha of the silver fur pack to strengthen the alliance by blood. They were also sending a young high ranked wolf to marry into our pack. The poor wolf would never be happy among the dark coats of the black fur pack. Just as I would be an outcast among the sleek silver wolves.

"Sweety, stop this nonsense and come to dinner. Skipping meals and praying every night isn't going to help you." My mother begged.

I was fasting to give sacrifice too the goddess in hopes that she would show favor upon my prayers.

"Mother, I've told you many times I only pray for things that you can put a stop to if you chose. I don't pray for the impossible."

"But what you want is impossible Grave. We already signed the treaty and the wolf coming over to this pack has already agreed to the mating and is on his way to move in. Your soon to be mate is a kind and strong Alpha. You should be proud and accept it." already." She scolded.

I sighed and rose from my kneeling position before the alter.

"Please mother, just give me one more season to find my mate! I promise I will not argue and go quietly if I still can't find him!" I begged once more.

"NO! Now get cleaned up. Tomorrow morning the Silver wolf is going to be here with his signed contract. You will travel back to his old pack with the wolves that escorted him here. Be happy that you will have a week to get to know your mate before actually being married." Mother yelled finally fed up with me.

I whimpered and backed up. This was awful, I had even less time at home then I'd feared. They didn't say anything about sending me early.

"Did you hear me Grave? Go now!" She growled once more.

I quickly stood and ran all the way to my bedroom. To my shock and horror everything was packed except for the bedding. I sobbed myself to sleep my final night in my room.


The next morning I was dressed to impress, not that I had a say in the matter. We stood waiting for the silver wolves. As we saw flecs of silver glint through the forest my parents stood a bit taller and we all held our breath.

The first wolf to emerge was large easily the highest ranked amongst them. He was also so breathtakingly beautiful I thought I would cry. When he got a bit closer he stopped and sniffed the air. He let out a low howl and picked up his pace towards our small group. When he reached us he scented the air once more then surprised us all by running straight for me.

I gasped as he bumped his head into my chest and nuzzled into me. I burried my he's into his fur and took a big breath of his fur. As I exhaled I whispered one word.


The other silver wolves. Surrounded us shortly as did my parents who I had been standing abstently away from.

"He can't be your mate Graviel! That's the wolf we are getting in exchange for you." My father growled.

My Mate didn't like that one bit and growled and snapped back at him. I tangled my hands into his fur to calm him.

"But he's my mate father. Their had to be an exception for this." I pleaded.

"We can't just tell the Silver wolves Alpha you aren't  coming. Stop day dreaming Grave. On paper you already belong to Alpha Colton." My mother sighed.

Suddenly I was no longer holding onto the fur of my mate but instead my hand rested on the lower back of a giant of a man. My hand was raised above my shoulder and still only rested where his back could be mistaken for his butt. I blushed profusely and snached my hand away while the huge man winked at me.

"Do not fear for the treaty Black fur pack. Send Laurel in my place, my brother will be more than happy to accept the trade." He said smiling down at the adorable girl.

I growled softly. I don't care about the reason, my mate will not take interest in another. Heart chuckles and turns to face me.

"Don't worry love, she could never hold my interest. I only say that because my brother prefers shewolves." He assure me.

I blushed and looked away. He laughs softly once more and reaches out to caress my face. I lean into his touch. When I look back at him I realize I'm at eye level with his waists and can easily see his emerging erection. I blush harder and step in front of my mate so that no one else can see his manhood. To my shock he pulls me back against him so his arrousle is hitting my back.

"You are very cute my little mate." He  whispers softly into my ear.

"Enough of this." My father interrupts. "The only reason I wanted to go through with the marriage is to make Graveil a  Luna. I don't care if your his mate he is still marrying your brother."

"My brother will not stand for that Alpha. I will not stand for that. I am keeping my mate even if I have to kill you." Heart growled menacingly.

I shivered, he tightens his grip on me to comfort me.

"You dare threaten me in my own pack!" My father growls back.

I have no doubt that my father is a strong wolf but he is surely no match for this beast of a man.

"Please don't do this father! You can't beat him. Please just let us live our lives. I don't want to be Luna. I want to be with my mate. That's all I ever wanted. I refuse to marry alpha Colton." I told my father firmly trying to make him see reason so this day wouldn't end in tragedy.

"You have no say in the matter boy. Be silent and do not dare to speak another word." He snapped.

I felt tears brimming my eyes at my father's harsh words. I heard a low rumbling growl behind me and new my mate didn't take kindly to his words. It only took seconds for my father to be pinned undernieth Heart. If you blinked you missed it. I guess my father had blinked because he looked up at my mate in shock wondering how he had gotten benieth him.

"Watch what you say to my mate." Heart growled bareing down on the older man.

"I will do as I please with MY son." My father growled back although his voice wavered slightly.

Heart didn't take kindly to the word 'my' in any capacity in reference to me. He bit down into my fathers neck.

Finally my father submitted. All wolves in the area looked down at my father in shame.

"Do I need to kill you? Or are you going to be a good boy for the new Alph of the black fur pack?" Just like that the leader of the Black fur pack changed hands.

"I submit." My father looked down in shame.

Heart stood and walked over to me. I saw a few females eyes and an even fewer male eyes fallow my deliciously naked mate. I growled at them and ran into his arms.

"Don't be jelouse tiny mate." He soothed.

"I will feel much better once you have some cloths on." I frowned trying to cover him up as much as possible with my small body.

He laughed and nodded. "Very well. Let us go inside and I will put something on.... on second though nevermind. Let's just go inside and get you less clothed instead."

I blushed at his gruff tone but shyly nodded. We ignored everyone as he picked me up and carried me towards my home.

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