Wyatt and Beck

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For the next nine months things were normal. Normal meaning Beck and I rushed around to prepare for the baby, Jamie and Connor had to be beaten off each other every time they were in the same room and of course Cole was avoiding being alone with James at all cost. He still graciously accepted the deer James hunted for him every couple of days but nothing  more.

James had changed a lot in this time as well. The physical exertion of having to hunt and carry back his kill gave him bulkier mussles like mine. He also started growing out his facial hair which I myself was a little jealous of, my beard was patchy at best. Being forced to grow up made James 'manlier' all around. I could see that everyone else noticed too. Jamie was  burning with jealousy that his brother had shot so far past him. Cole would even blush whenever James walked in. That was an improvement.

The only one that didn't seem happy with James' transformation was James himself. He didn't even notice balking up or growing out his beard. When Beck complimented it one day all he did was run a hand over his chin and say:

"I didn't even notice."

He was that depressed. He probably only hunted or ate because of Cole. Seeing James like this killed me but there was nothing I could do. My wolf was getting real bad. I would catch myself scenting Beck and the pups randomly  when James was around. Beck would be grooming one pup and James would come by for a little attention and Beck would growl and tuck the pup closer to him leaving James to walk off with his tail between his legs.

With one more month to go on Becks pregnancy it was now time to move James into the cabin.

"Come on son one more bag and that's everything." I hoisted up the last of James' thing and  he followed me to the door.

"Thanks for helping move dad. I can't wait until this is over and I can come back." James had tears brimming his eyes as he spoke.

"Don't worry son. You will be back before you know it. I'll miss you. Stay safe and howl every night so we know your ok." Beck who also had tears in his eyes pulled James into a tight hug.

"I will papa."

"See you bro'." Jamie pulled his brother into a 'bro hug' which James turned into a headlock lightening the mood and pissing Jamie off.

"By James. Me and Cole will miss you!" Connor said his final goodbye as well as one for his absent twin.

"Where's Cole?" James looked past Connor as if his mate were just behind him.

"I don't really know. He's pretty much been locked in his room all morning." Connor answered sadly.

"Ok, tell him I said bye and I love him. Tell him he's welcome at the cabin any time. I know dad and papa' s wolves won't let you two visit but Cole should be able to come..." James voice trailed off as he realized he was rambleing a bit. "Bye everyone."

With that James took the bag from my hand and made his way towards his new home.

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