Zen and Oscar

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"Where do you think your going?" Father asked as he witnessed me packing my bags.

"Away." I stated still focused on packing.

My bloated stomach made things much harder than necessary. I wobbled around the room ignoring him.

"Where exactly? And for that matter why?" He asked completely confused by my sudden departure.

Was he that set in his ways? He couldn't even see that I needed him, just ignored my please and told me to forget about all my troubles.

"I am going to find a doctor. I am seven months pregnant. The pup hasn't died yet and you won't let the pack doctor check on me because you think it will be a waist of his valuable time when he could be... how did you say it again? Oh yeah... 'checking real pregnancies'. You won't except the fact that this pup is coming." I growled at father throwing my last item of clothing into the bag.

"Don't growl at me young man! Fist of all, it's a miracle that the pups hadn't died yet, secondly it's going to be still borne anyways. Your stomach's already gigantic with over two months left to go, your tiny, it's going to die. You need to accept the facts not me. But if you want to starve trying to find help be my  guest." Father crossed his arms over his chest with a smirk.

He thought he had me there. How was a poor defenceless pregnant omega  going to hunt and take care of himself? There was one thing he didn't know about though. Something I had been keeping secret for a while. With him so busy with the pack he had no time notice my absence.

"I won't be starving thank you." I said smirking right back.

He looked surprised. "Oh? And who would be providing for you?"

"Me, myself and I." I answered.

He laughed and shook his head. "Son, I don't want to see you hurt. That's why I warned you about your mate so many times. Stay home let me take care of you. You'll die out in the forest alone."

"Father, I'm not going to live in the forest. I'm living in my apartment in the city. I've been secretly working ever since I found out I was pregnant. I finally save up for an apartment a week ago." I told him my secret at last.

"What! Your going to live along side  humans?" He was utterly shocked.

"Yes, I've been working with them for months. I will find a human doctor to help me since no wolf will. They at least don't discriminate by weakness. If anything they will try to help me more because I'm weak." I zipped my bag and walked past my frozen father.

It's ok baby Zen I'll make sure you come out alive and healthy and that I'm there to take care of you.

I had decided on the name without knowing the gender but it didn't matter. The baby would have my mates name no matter if he rejected me or not.

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