Dominic and Able

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It has been a week since the Alpha chose me to bare his pups. I was extremely nervouse at first, thinking he would just mount me and get it over with. Bing, bang, boom, done. To my surprise it hasn't been that way at all. He treated me almost as if I'm his true mate. We haven't even mated yet. Every second Dominic wasn't taking care of Alpha business he was by my side.

I felt kind of bad because I wasn't spending enough time with Alec but there was nothing I could do about it. What the Alpha says goes, even if he treats me well I still had to listen to him.

Over the week I have learn a lot about him. He enjoys reading but had a  hard time turning the pages with his paws. To help I sit with him reading my own book and turn the pages when he yips. He is super protective as well. This can be flattering but scarry at the same time. Once my brother came running up to me when me and the Alpha were on a walk. Dominic saw him coming and intercepted the small boy. Alec could only look at the Alpha wide eyed never having interacted with him before. Too bad his first meeting with Dominic was Dominic being a possessive asshole and scarring my brother away even after I told him he was fine.

I went on strike after that. No way was he going to make me stay away from my baby. Dominic caved surprisingly quickly when he saw me ignoring him. His need for my undivided attention won out over his possesiveness.

After the lovely week we had had I wasn't surprised when he came to see me tonight. It was eleven o'clock at night and he wanted to go for a run. I knew what that ment. We would be mateing. I bit my lip nervously.

I wasn't sure if I was ready or not. I knew I couldn't hold this off forever and that Dominic had given me so much more time than I had originally thought I would get.... I had to do it.

I nodded once closing the door to get undressed and change into my wolf. When I peeked my head outside Dominic was waiting for me at the tree line. I didn't rush as I walked over wanting to prolong the inevitable.

When I finally reach him he leaned his head against  my shoulder rubbing against me. I didn't hesitate to push back. He let out a happy howl and dashed off towards the forest leaving me to fallow.

I followed him all the way to the edge of a lake were he waited for me to catch up. When I got to where he stood he looked intently at me. A second later my mind was being filled with a question.

Are you ready?

I ducked my head and nodded a bit. I hadn't expected  him to ask. I thought he would just do it. A second later I felt a strong emotion come over me. It wasn't what I was feeling, I realized it was what Dominic was feeling. I tilted my head in question. The feeling flooded my mind once more. I knew this feeling. It was love. Was this his way of telling me he loved me? The feeling floodedy mind once more as if in answer to my question.

My heart swelled. I wasn't his true mate yet he was choosing to love me anyways? I had spent my life waiting for my mate... but what if I had something better? Someone who chose to love me, not someone made to love me.

All my nerves were gone now. I looked back into Dominics eyes and sent him my love through the open link. He tilted his head back and howled louder this time. I didn't need to think about what I did next. I stepped forward and rubbed my face into his neck. He stopped his howling  to stare down at me.

I love you.

I love you too.

I stepped back and sauntered a little ways away from him. He eagerly shadowed my movements. I stopped when I reached a clearing where the moon shown brightly onto the forest floor.

Being in wolf form made mateing a very technical thing but it seemed Dominic was trying to make an effort at romance. He stalked forward leaning in to smell me. In human for this would have been quite embarrassed but being in wolf form having another sniff your butt was completely normal.

When he was saticfied I felt his whole body as he slid onto my back completely engulfing my much smaller wolf. I felt a low rumble in his chest as he rubbed against me. I answered with my own purr as I felt him lick along my ear. He was going very slow for me. It seemed he was attempting to make it feel like we were makeing love as humans instead of mateing as animals.

I tensed up a bit when I felt his cock brush against my entrance but forced myself to relax as he licked my ear once more to calm me. As soon as he felt me relax he continues to push against me. A burning sensation had me yelping in pain and him stopping in his tracks. I shook off the pain.

Please continue.

I wouldn't disappoint him. He hesitated for half a second before deciding to listen to me. This time when he pushed in I contained my discomfort until he was finally in to the hilt.

I new his animal instinct was begging him to just start humping away but was glad that he kept his mind clear and held himself still until I was fully adjusted. After a minute of just laying there with him seated inside me I decided it was time for him to move. It only took a small roll of my hips to get him to start pulling out of me slowly. I could see his front legs shake with the strain of having to stay controlled.

It's ok. Start thrusting.

You sure?


As soon as I said it I regretted it. He let the riens free on his wolf and began thrusting. I allowed myself one pain filled woof before stopping myself. After a moment I was starting to get used to the feel of him. It almost became pleasurable. I felt his hot breath on my ear as he thrusted  in and out of me quickly. I started hearing small strangled noises but quickly realized it was coming out of me.

The noises grew louder and his breathing became heavier until finally I couldn't take anymore and came into the dirt undernieth me. I felt his release a moment later deep within me on a sharp down thrust. My legs buckled in exhaustion Dominic falling on top of me. He quickly took his weight off of me when he realized I was being squished but the knotting taking place inside me refused to allow him to get far. I was kinda pleased with the intimacy.

We laid there comfortably for a while just basking in the feel of each other.

I wish you were my true mate. I will never be able to be human with you. I never want to be human so bad in my life. Donimic confessed.

It's ok. You may not be human but I don't need to be your mate to love you unconditionally. I tilted my head back to rub it under his neck.

What if you find your mate? What then? Dominic suddenly growled.

He went from peacfull and content to angry I'm a millisecond.

I will reject them. Simple as that. If the moon goddess loves her people she will not bring my mate to me.

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