Lance and Sarvis

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I scented the air once more to be sure but there was no denying it. The small boy before me was my mate. He had dark almost black hair and grey eyes too large for his face. His frame looked almost too thin as he shiver looking up at me in fear.

I let out an angry growl. What would the pack think? Two boys mated? That was ubsured. As I looked down at him my wolf spoke up on the subject.

Who cares about them. The only person that matters now is him.

The boy shook more violently at my angry glare. Damn my wolf was right. Even now I was struggling not to reach out and comfort my mate.

"Sir? I know this might sound crazy but I think your my mate." The boy blurted out and shrank back as if I were going to attack him.

I let out a stressed breath through my nose. "I know."

I should have just denied it and gone mateless. Exile him from the pack and marry some woman that would irritate me to death. I shook my head of the thought. This boy was mine. If I exiled him someone else would come along and take him. He was too beautiful to be left alone. I had a feeling even perfectly straight men held there eyes on him for a second too long.  I growled just thinking about it.

"Sorry!" He whimpered thinking I had growled at his comment.

I reached a hand out to comfort him. Ignoring his flinching when my hand got close I patted his head.

"I'm not angry at you mate. I'm just being silly." I looked around the room to make sure it was deserted. "Come mate. We will talk more in my room."

He blushed and widened his eyes in shock, probably at the thought of being in his mates room alone. He was right, we couldn't go to my room. As soon as we were in my private suite I would attack him like the animal I am, male mate or not.

"Nevermind, let's go get ice cream in the city." A good quite human place where there would be no wolves and we could figure everything out .

"Ok." He replied softly.

His voice was so sweet and soft. I wonder how it would sound saying my name? He didn't know my name. I didn't even know his!

As he began to walk towards the door I pulled him back. I was suddenly panicked at the thought of not knowing the name of the boy who stole all of my adoration with just the meeting of our eyes.

"What is your name mate?"

He smiled up at me and replied in that same sweet voice. "Sarvis."

His smile instantly had me caught. It was filled with such pure joy.

"Sarvis, it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Lance, I hope you don't mind me being a male." I coughed awkwardly and looked down scratching the back of my neck. Where did all my confidence go?

He laughed a little, the sound was music to my ears.

"Umm.. I kind of always thought I was gay but figured it wouldn't matter when I found my mate because I would only be attracted to them. Did you know you were gay?" He bit his lip nervously as he replied.

"Well... I still don't think I am gay. I think it's like you said. I'm attracted to my mate." He looked a bit disappointed but nodded in understanding.

"Come now Sarvis, we can talk more outside of the pack house." I lead him out the front door towards the one car I had on hand at the house to pick up supplies in town.

My pack mostly lived off grid. We didn't need food or electricity or even heat. The only thing we were really find of was cloths. There were three pack members that had human jobs. One was a doctor, another owned a bank and the last worked in the mayor's office. I worked in the office to make sure our pack went unbothered by the humans. Only the mayor new of us.

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